Greene, John Portineus, 1793-1844
Diary, 1833 Sept.-Oct.
Photocopy of ms.
Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City
P. 1
Sept. 16. 1833 Left Kirtland on a my mishion to the East at ½ past 3 left fair port on Board the Steam boat Henry Clay for Ery at 12/ [paid?] by Br. I Mc[Nittle?]
17 I left the boat at half past 9 oclk in the morning & Came to westfield 30 miles to Br— Lewis, there a few Brotherin Came to geather and we had a good time in prayer
18 mornig. wrote a few lines to my wife ; by Br A Liman Moses Martin. & Syvester Witherson who Sett out fore for kirtland:
19 went to see Stephen Willcox a meathodist priest & also to see Sister Babcock who is sick. administered in the name of Jesus; after ward went to prayer meeting at Br George Stringhams & then [p. 2] to Br. Fouts Stayed all night
20 Visited the Bishop with two Sick Children one of them I think will not live long I then went to Portland & Preached in the Evening. the 21 I returned to Br Lewis met Br Packard on his way home; then we went to Br Phillips Stringhams on the Lake Shore: where I was called to Visit there dauter who was very sick
22 Sabbath; westfield Br N Packard preached in the fore noon & I administerd the ordinance & the Lord was there of a truth; in the Evning prayer meeting at Br Lewis.—
23 mondy. went to the town of Harmony Visited Br. Fouts & Br. Burnhams ; with much Satisfactions—
24. traveled 16 miles to Jamestown wheare I found good Breatherin
25 agreed to Stay with them over the Sabbath
[p. 3] 26 we had a prayer meeting at Br H winters & Just after I had opend by prayer the Bell rung to give the alarm of fire (which broke out in a board kiln;) & tooke away all most all the people, they beeing mostly of the fire company, but after awhile Some few returned & we had a good time
27 I went Br. H Winters & I went in to the woods
too find some timber for to make Shingles for the lords house in willow; &
in the Evning was too Br Thomas Burdicks; & administerd to two of his
children by anointing them with oil in the name of the lord; Br Thomas is a man
of a very Sound & penetrating mind & if he is faithfull to duty will
make a usefull man in the Church & may the [Lord] bless him with the
Spirrit of faith & of a Sound mind.
Elner Hail of whitstown onida Cou
[p. 4] 29) Sabbath Preached at Br. winters in Jamestown; at
inter after noon Barker preac[he]d to the Church; in the E[ven]ing read the
articles & coven[an]ts of the Church to the people; & on this day Br.
Samuel Hail presentented too me a hankie f for his mother Elner Hail a
widowe who is afflicted with a nervas— affliction; — O Lord may thy — blessing
rest uppon her; according to her faith & she be made hole from this houre —
30 Mond. mornin I was cald to bless the children of Brs. T. & Adam Burdick & Br Winters; Eleven in No.
& as I was about [to] leave Jamestown old Sister Burdick Came 3 or 4 miles to follow the Lord in Baptism & we had a precious time; Brs. A[.] Burdick— Winters. Duffin & hail gave me a four dollar hat may the Lord reward them according to their works I also took a horse of Br T Burdick to ride all round my rout, & then left them & came to westfield to Br Fouts
[p. 5] on 29 of Sept after the Sacrement in Jamestown an old
Babtist woman by the name of Burdick who came to me with Som degre of raling.
I then Proviside [prophesied] to her. I told her she should not have the
Spirrit of the Lord to the Comfort of her hart agan untill She was bapatised
for the remesion of her sins She raild & went her way; but returned the
next morning; & was baptised tho
The 31 1 of oct. I was in westfield & Spent the
day —
2 I went to Pompfort & on the way I colled to see a girl by the name of Ann [Dalre?] whome r[e]port Says has bin profusiing [prophesying] but alas So did the damsel that followed Paul & Silas. Acts 16. 17. [9?] the blindness of the gentiles —
3 day of Oct Spent the day among the Breatherin in the evening preached at the Scool house at Stoockton a few of the people came out in the r[ai]n to heare & I spoke to them in the Spirrit
[p. 6] oct. the 4 went to Capt Browns in near Live
frudona Village I preached in ev[en]ing at the s[c]hoole house about the new
doctrin. Mr & Mrs Brown are enquaring after the truth- I think thay are
onest at heart but are fearfull of being deceivd o may the lord open thare Eyes
& lead them in to the fullness of the Gospel
Sat. 5 I came to Silverlaik & found Some of the Brethn low in their minds o Lord raise them & makes them Strong —
6 Sabbathe I preac[he]d to the Church- at this place.
7 monday I went to Villanova & had a meeting at Br. Reubin McBrides
8 Tuesday went to Br. Nickerson & in the evening held a prayer meting at Br. Youngs —
9 I went with Brs. Moore, & Childs to the Indian on the Cattarauquitt too buy Some Shingle timber & in the eveni[n]g came to Mr Tirks - 10 this morning the Sun rose clear & went in to a cloud & Soon it began to rain
[p. 7] Oct 10 this afternoone I went to Villanovea to meet
the church- & Carton & Daniel Carpenter were Cut off from the Church.
O lord give them up to the Buffittings untill thay will lerne not to fullfil
Blasfeame, & I found Br Mathews at the meting verey sick with evry
apperance of the [colus?] but the Lord heared oure pray[er]s he was healed. —
this morni[n]g 11th is very pleasant & I am at Si[s]ter Carpenters — in the afternoo[n] I went to the Est hill & Spent the time in visiting & in the evening pr[e]ach[e]d to the Church at Br Reuben McBrides; [Va?]
Saturday 12. I wrote two letters to my frinds ; intend to visit some frinds this afternoon & may the Lord bless my feeble endeavors
13 Sundy I went to Br Nickersons in Pittsburgh & met
Brs. Joseph Smith & Sidney Rigdon & Sidney Preacd in the
demmonstr[a]tion of the Spirrit & after ward I baptise[..] [p. 8] Sister
McBride & after ward Spent the Evnig with the Brethn with [greatre?]
Satisfaction in company with Joseph & Slept with him. I & 14
day mondy we went to Lodi & sidney preachd
15th next morning the people — desired to hear again. & Esq. — Mr Ker gave out word that Sidney would preach at 10 Ocl. in the Presbyterians house; but one man who had the key of to house wold not Suffer the door opend; & So we Came off & left them all in confusion; & in the after noone came to Collings and partd parted with my Brotherin — & they went on to Canada. I to to Br Ezry Thorntons
Windsday 16 gave an appointment to preach in the chool house at 2: ocl thursday 17 Came to Litle Creek
18 Came to Punsylvania Warners Came to Westfield to
Br. I [-] Lewis & the 19 Came on towards home put up at A. Warners Inn -
[p. 9] Sunday 20 Breakfast at Br Roundys Elk Crick &
then traveled all day, & on monday the 21. arrivd at kirtland & blessed
be the Lord [.......]
[notes on unnumbered page:]
Westfield Sept. 23 1833
the Breth agree too procure one fourth part of the Shingles for the Lords house to be built in Kirtland ohio to be delivered at Portland harbor by the — 15 of oct.
Also the Breth in Harmony agree too furnish 5 M. S. to be delivered at Portland harbor by the 15 of oct. —
the Breatherin at Jamestown agree to furnish 6 M. S. —
Shubell Crooss in Evans
father Daterman Dalie
Dauter of Anne Dalie
Elders} Hymes} in Canedia
Clark Near
Snyder Burkton
Enquire for Elphlett Chapman
direct by Abagail Taylor
[Transcribed by Brian D. Reeves, 14 April 1999.]