Clarkesburg Nov __ 1865

Dear daughter we got your letter since you Sint us I found two dollers that you sente I was very sick when I got your lette not able to write I was confined to the bed not able to Set up onley to have the  bed made I have not to do enney thing I am now better then then I have ben in a year Mother is very well for a woman of her age Eliza and ihir husbon are well I got a letter from Julian She writes that tha are all wal but Me_lda helth is poore Julian writes abut you adn your fameley was to see you we have ogt a letter from a lette from Julius he writes that one thare fameley is taken awa from them by deth Sina was gone She was taken Sick an frida and died on tewsda Sina was Jules first wives childe Sina was thiteen yeas olde Calvin Bicknell


Dear Grand Son I receieved your of the 15 of August in twenty days after date I found in closed a five Doller note we ware glad to be informed that you was all wel lyour mother helth was not very good and that avry thing prospeaus thar and crops good and plenty  but money harde to begot we are thankfull for the intrest you take in our walfare in our olde age to help us I am very lame in one of my legs it makes it hard for me to go about mothers helth is not very good She has Some Sick tunns of [Colemobus[ but is bter now Eliza and her husban are well our Son Julius was hear and his wife har the first September and made us a visit we have not got enney letter from our daughter Julian Johnson Sine I laste wrote to you Eliza and her Husban live wih us [p.3] and assiste us in our olde age to help to do the the things that is neaded in the fameley but we nead the asstence of our children tha are not able to give us our suporte a thay are poor but willing if thay had hte meanes we git help from Julius and from Julian and from Jane and fameley each one sendes alittle it will helpe us we have helpe from our Children thay all take an intrest in our walfare in our olde age when we are not able to help our selves you wrote you wanted our likeneses we  Shoulde like to have them taken and sente to you but thare is noone to take then very nar whae we live that take them we will try have them taken and Sent to you I want you to writ to us often donte wait to send money we Shall be glad to git a letter from you at enney time without money

Calvin Bicknell


Mrs. Joseph Young
Great Slat Lake City