The Journal
Logan City, Utah, Saturday, November 11, 1905
[transcribed and proofread by Ben Parkinson, Mar. 2006]

C. B. Robbins Is Dead

A Remarkable Man And Good Citizen Passes to The Great Beyond.

“Charlie” Robbins is dead.

That is the rather startling news that came to Loganites yesterday morning, and that caused nearly every citizen who heard it to voice expressions of regret and respect; for no man in Logan was more generally esteemed than good, honest, faithful “Charlie” Robbins.

He passed away at 3 o’clock yesterday morning, typhoid pneumonia being the cause of death.

Funeral services will be held in the tabernacle at noon tomorrow.

The many men in Logan who have acted as firemen under Mr. Robbins’ leadership, it is said, will attend the services in a body.

His Life.

Charles Burtis Robbins was a man with a really remarkable history. He was born near Bordentown, New Jersey, on Sept. 21, 1834, and was therefore in his 71st year when he died. As a boy he became a Mormon, and to the time of his death never faltered in his religious convictions. When 12 years of age he became acquainted with Sam Brennan, a New York City newspaper man, and on February 6, 1846, he shipped with Brennan, for San Francisco , on the vessel Brooklyn. The passage around Cape Horn was made safely and on July 31, 1846, he reached San Francisco. It [was] then called Yerba Buena, and the American flag had floated over it but eight days when Mr. Robbins got there.

Brennan had brought with him some type and a small hand press, and shortly after his arrival in San Francisco, he began the publication of the California Star, the first newspaper ever printed in California. Mr. Robbins was employed as “printers devil,” and newsboy, and in the latter capacity sold the first paper ever printed in California.

When the rush to the goldfields began, Mr. Robbins went with the crowd and was the first boy to pan out gold in that country. Later he returned to Frisco, and while there obtained the first horse and harness that was ever used upon the streets of that famous city.

In 1851 he went back to New York, returning the same way that he came. One year later he came back to the west, this time overland. He engaged in various occupations in Utah, and in early days, figured quite prominently in military circles. In 1863 he came to Logan, and from then on, made this city his home.

He had filled many important public positions. He was elected to the city council several times, had been a school trustee, and since the organization of the High Council in this stake, had been a member of it. He was pretty generally known throughout the state as the oldest fire chief in it. Since the organization of the fire department in 1874, Mr. Robbins had been connected with it, and occupied the position of chief at the time of his death.

In all of these positions he made a most enviable record. He was a quiet unassuming man, but he had a heart of gold in him. No more humble, kindly, charitable christian ever graced our city than Charles B. Robbins, and if any one ever deserved reward for trying to walk in the footsteps of the Great Master, this man merited it.

His Family.

Mr. Robbins leaves a large and respectable family. In all, 11 children, 28 grand children, and 4 great-grand-children. He had been thrice married. Jean Addie Young was his first wife, but she died. Later he married Martha Allen, who separated from him on account of having embraced the Christian Science faith. [Transcribers note: See correction below.] He married Harriet B. Robinson, his present wife after coming to Cache Co., and with her has lived a peaceful happy life. Two children were  born to him as a result of this marriage. Several of his sons are here from Salt Lake to attend the funeral services.


[Clipping, apparently from the Journal, Nov. 13, 1905]
[Transcribed and proofed by Ben Parkinson, April 2006]

Fire Chief Robbins Dead

Passes Away Friday Morning at 3 o’clock After Only a Weeks’ Illness.

Was A Good Man, Well Respected, With a Large Number of Friends.

C. B. Robbins, one of Logan’s most highly respected citizens, one identified with all that has been good for Logan in the past, died Friday morning at 3 o’clock from an attack of typhoid-pneumonia of only a week’s duration, and his death is the source of sincere and deep regret to a wide circle of friends.

“Charley” Robbins, as he was familiarly known to young and old, was one with a big heart and a liberal mind, one whose life was filled with good deeds, and charity for all mankind, and it is the expressed opinion of his friends that no words in his praise can be too strong.

The deceased came to Utah in ’56 from a New Jersey town and in ’63 he came to Cache Valley. In the early days he was a merchant, a member of the firm of Goodwin & Robbins, and that firm is remembered as the most liberal, one of the fairest and squarest ever conducted in the valley. At this time, Charley Robbins was a prominent man in the affairs of the valley. He was a member of the militia in the early days and was active in the Indian troubles.

For years he was a fireman in the Logan fire department, and for the past few years has been its efficient chief.

Mr. Robbins was 70 years of age on the 21st of September. He was the father of 11 children, 28 grand children and 4 great grand children.

The funeral takes place tomorrow at 12 o’clock in the Tabernacle. The members of the Logan fire department from its beginning will attend the service.


A mistake was made in our last issue in the obituary notice of the late C.B. Robbins It was stated that his first wife, Miss Jean Addie Young, died, which is not true. She is still alive. Mrs. Martha Allen Robbins is also alive and is not a Christian Science follower as stated, Mrs. Young being the one that embraced that faith, but in her case it did not cause any separation.


The Journal
Logan City, Utah, Tuesday, November 14, 1905
[transcribed and proofread by Ben Parkinson, Mar. 2006]

C. B. Robbins Laid Away

It was a fitting tribute to a good man that the citizens of Logan paid to Charles B. Robbins on Sunday, when the services over his remains were held. The attendance was unusually large, most of the city’s veterans turning out to do honor to the memory of their friend and comrade, and the services were impressive because of the feeling of sincere sympathy that pervaded them.

A large number of Logan’s firemen and ex-firemen attended the services, being adorned with the old fire badges. Six of the fire fighters i.e. Messrs George Fister, L. C. Farr, Joseph Knowles, Fred Smith, N. W. Crookston and Lorenzo Benson, acted as pall bearers, while their comrades were among the mourners. There were some beautiful floral pieces sent by old friends of the deceased.

Bishop T. X. Smith  presided over the services. The choir sang an appropriate hymn and Elder James A. Leishman offered the opening prayer. The choir then rendered the hymn “Nearer My God To Thee.”

Moses Thatcher

was the first one to address those present. He said in part: “I had known Brother Robbins for many years, in fact ever since and even before the founding of this city. I have known him as the father, the husband, the neighbor and brother, and he filled well the measure of responsibilities of those positions.

Conscientious, honest and charitable, he was a splendid man. He was generous indeed, he never saw the time when he would not divide his last crust with either friend or stranger.

How wonderful are the works of the Almighty when compared with those of the mightiest of scientists. Nothing that human genius has ever devised compares in the least degree with Gods handwork as exemplified in the natural man, and yet this tabernacle of ours is nothing in comparison with the soul, which once stood co-equal with God.

Then the contemplation of our work here, having as it does such a wonderful influence upon our future life, should not be put aside for dreams of the hereafter. This is the sphere of our action now, and in it we should strive to excel in goodness, sobriety and integrity. Then we do well to honor such as have diligently sought to do right, as Brother Robbins has done.

In concluding his remarks Elder Thatcher bore a fervent testimony to the truth of the Gospel.

Elder Seymour B. Young

followed Mr. Thatcher. He said: I have known Mr. Robbins many years. We were boys together. More than fifty years ago he married a dear sister of mine, and since then I have known him intimately. From his youth Charlie Robbins was one of the strong faithful workers in this church.

He always had the reputation of a man who did things well. He left a family behind him that is a glory to him, and I know how proud he was of every member of it. That family has nothing to regret in the life of the husband and father. He has lived up to every truth of the gospel. The name he leaves is without tarnish, and his posterity will rise to call him blessed in the years to come.

The speaker talked at length upon the beauties of the gospel, and invoked the blessings of God upon the bereaved family.

Bishop Thos. X. Smith

Upon behalf of the bereaved family thanked all present for the expression of sympathy and confidence made. He endorsed every word of eulogy uttered in reference to the deceased. He was a valiant loyal soldier of Christ. He lived up to every duty imposed upon him, and in his ward left a splendid record.

The choir sang at the close of Bishop Smiths remarks and Elder Thomas Morgan pronounced the benediction.