LDSA MS 16907
Correspondence to Jane Adeline Bicknell Young
Transcribed and proofed by Ben Parkinson, January 2006


                Febuary 18th 1867

Dear Sister i take the present opportunity of this pleasant after noon to try to answer your kind and welcome letter which came Safely to hand last Saturday dear Sister you Sed that would like to hear Julius folks and mother i heard from mother about fore weeks ago and they was all well i haven't heard from Julyann Since i wrote too her James Health has been very vary bad thiss winter but he's geting better now We have had a very cold Winter here this winter great deal of Snow some good Sleighing but the [p.2] Snow is all gone now you rote to me that you Expected that i was very Lonesome indeed i am very lonesome and i take a cry Every day or two a bout mother  Dear Sister you rote that you Wanted our photographs i will Send them as Soon as i get them Taken dear Adaline i Want you to right to me once more and let me See your hand right Dear Sister i must [quit for this time?] i try an do better the next time i Want you to right Soon as you Receive this lettter and let me no how you are [p.3] Please right Soon So good by dear Sister Eliza Payne to my Sister Jane Young



Clarksburg Ross County Ohio
Died June 22/66 in his 88th year Julius Bicknell Lovington Ill
Hurlbert Bicknell in California
The Widdow of Calvin is Chloe Bicknell


                August 7th 1867

Dear Sister i take my pen in hand to answer your kind letter that i recived some weeks ago i was very glad to hear from you and to hear that you was well we are both well at present hoping when these few lines come to hand they may find you well i recived a letter frome Mother afew weeks ago She was well and well sattisfied She Said that She would like to see you all i would like to See you all very much i expect Jula ann will be out to our house this fauld and she is going out to see mother we ar doing very well at this time we have got a good deal of stalk[?] around us tell Seamer i want him to write i hope he has got A good wife give my love to them bothe give my love to all the children and your husband no more at present rite soon frome your sister Eliza Pain to Jane Young good By Dear Sister