Jane Young, letter to Julian Johnson, June 1848, in Laurence B. Johnson, ed., The Pines Letters, (Bordentown, N.J, 1954), 30–31

Hanisvill [Kanesville?]/ Powatama [Pottawattamie?] County/ State of Iowa

To sister Julian Johnson

Dear sister/

Through the Mercy of God I am yet in the Land of the Living/ I have Bourn Seven children five of whom are still Living. the Ashes of two infants sleep in Nauvoo My own health & that of the Youngs is poor. But improving/ I have no time to enter into Any particulars in Relation to My Family or my people But Merely Drop this line to you thinking it my Please you to hear from me once more/ we Expected to have went to the Valley of the Sale Lake [Salt Lake] this year But could not Make a Sufficient outfit which has thrown us Back Another year/ we live about 7 miles from Missouri River in A very pleasant part of the country/ good water - good Land & plenty of it/ And we are Able to Raise the Best crops such as wheat corn oats & All Kind of vegitables and cattle/ Provision is cheap But clothing is hard to Be got/ Elder A P Rockwood is the Bearer of this from My hand/ if he should visit you (which he thinks it possible) Please to intertain him As a friend/ he will tell you more than I can write/

P S Please write on the Reception of this Direct to Hanisville Potowatoma [Kanesville Pottawattamie] county State of Iowa/ I send you a lock My hair & from Each of My children/