Joseph Young Journals

[Daily Entries Only]
[Transcribed January 2006 by Ben Parkinson. Mostly not proofread (except 1844 Ohio mission)]

LDS Archives
MS d 1741
fd 1 v. 1

[first right-hand page]

[J. Young

Nauvoo (Ill.)

Clarksburgh (Oh?)

Jos Young


[first left-hand page, to left of first right-hand page]

Sunday Oct 22d 1855 this morning Left for Nephi with A P Rockwood H S Eldredge held meeting this Evening at Lake City. Monday 23d held Meeting this Evening at Provo Tuesday 24th held meeting this Evening at Payson Wednesday Oct 25th arrived this night at Nephi held meeting Thursday 26tgh held 2 meetings in the Day and one in the Evening Friday 27th Left on our Return held meeting at Springville

[first recto again]

Saterday 28th held meeting this Evening at Provo Sunday 29th held meeting this Day at the same place moved on this afternoon held meeting this at Lehi


[the following does not start on page 1 but is numbered “1, 2, 3,” etc.]


Started from Nauvoo May 28 Landed At Cincinati Sunday June 2d 1844 Visited the Brethren in the city untill Monday June 10th from thence Proceeded to Portsmouth Arrived in that Place Tuesday Morning 11 from thence Proceeded to Chilichotha from thence to Father Bicknells where I Arrived thursday June 13th found them all in good Health found Bro Johnson there also waiting for me gave out An Appointment for Meeting for the Following Sabbath According to Apointment Met the people at 10 A.M. & at [2?] P.M. good Liberty


I remained At Father B.s untill the Following Sabbath 23d of June Preached Again to the People At 4 oclock P.M. Remained at Fathers untill Tuesday went to Newholland Applied for A Place to Preach in At that Town But got none I Returned to Fathers Soon After which Brother Goodale Arrived here we Remained untill Friday Morning 28th then Proceeded to Amity where we Arrived on the Evening of the Same Day from whence on Saturday 29th went to Clinton And on Sunday June 30th I Preached. here was A Mob Collected & threatened Many things


But the Lord overruled it for good After Meeting I went home with Brother Morse And Stayed with him All night Monday July 1 Brothers Goodale Johnson Casper & myself held A Little Conference in which it was Determined that Brothers Johnson & Casper Should go to Sunbry & that Brother Goodale & Myself Should Remain in Clinton & its Vicinity A few weeks

Tuesday 2d went to Bro Wm Bridges Wednday went to Mr Jewits Stayed Allnight & Returned Thursday the 4th of July to Br. Wm Bridgeses


Friday went to Bro Morses Remained there untill Sund Morning then went to Mr Allen Preached At Eleven oclock After Meeting went home with Br Bronson to Norwich. After Crossing the Sciota in Company with Bro Bronson I Sat Down on A Rock while Bro B. carried home A S[adle?] which he had Borrowed At A Neighbouring House About fifty Rods Distant from where I was Seting Musing with myself & feeling As tough All was quiet & Calme Around me No Enemy to Disturb


My Repose when All At once A Loud Voice Broke the Silence that Surrounded me & I heard one Say falts Prophet Jo Smith Damn the Mormon Elders if one of them Came to Father Rogers he would Stain his hand in his hearts Blood this gave me to understand that I must Be Cautious I tarried At Bro. Bs untill Tuesday Afternoon from whence I Proceeded to Mr Tenneys & Father Rogerses where I tarried untill Thursday & from thence I went to Amity And Stayed till Sunday Morning & then Returned


to Father Rodgerses Stayed till Tuesday when Bro. Goodale came & we Both went to Amity we Both Returned to Father Rogers on Thursday where we organized A Branch of the Church having Left Some Apointmn At Amity I Returned to that Place & held meeting on Saturday Evening 20th & on Sunday 21 held Meeting at ten oclock A.M. & At 4 oclock two Miles Below At Fullers Shoolhouse Monday 22 Returned to Sciota. Stayed with Brother Bronson Allnight & on Tuesday 23


Went to Brother Morses tarried there untill wednesday 24th then Proceded to Sunbury & on Thursday Evening held Meeeting At that Place on Friday went to Brother Cochranes from thence on Saturday 27 went to Hatford on Sunday 28 Preached twice in that Town on Funeral Occation on Monday 29 Returned to Brother Cochranes in Company with Bro. C and it [or "Condit"?] went to Brother Jacksons Preached on Tuesday Evening 30th wednesday July 31


Thursday August 1st At 2 oclock our Conference commenced it was Carried By the Conference that I Should Preside At Evening I went home with Broth Hampton & Returned Friday [morn] 2nd of August to the Conference


Family Record

Father John Young [Sgur?]

Born March 7. 1763

Died Oct 11. 1839


Mother Nabby Abbigail Young

Born May 3. 1766

Died June 17. 1815


Nancy Young

Born August 6. 1786


Fanny Young Born

Nov 8. 1787 [or 1786—the “7” appears to be over the “6”]


Rhoda Young Born

Sept 10 1789


John Young Jr.

Born May 22 1791


Nabby Young Jr.

Born April 23. 1793


Susan Young

Born June 7 1795


Joseph Young

Born April 7. 1797


Phinehas H Young

Born Feb 16. 1799


Brigham Young

Born Jun 1 1801


Louisa Young

Born Sept 25. 1804


Lorenzo Young

Born Oct 19. 1807


Edward Young

Born July 30 1823


Joseph Young

Born April 7. 1797

Married Feb 18. 1834


Jane A Young

Born August 14 1814


J. Adeline Young

Born Dec. 17 1834


Joseph Young Jr.

Born Feb 5 1836


Seymour B. Young

Born Oct 3 1837


M. D. Lagrand Young

Born Dec. 27 1840


John Calvin Young

Born Nov 23 1842

Died Sept 11 1843


Mary Lucretia Young

Born Oct 2. 1844

Died “ “ “


Julia V. Young

Born Oct 22 1845


Chloe Eliza Young

Born Sept 1 1848


Rhoda Young

Born June 19th 1851


Henrietta Young

Born Dec 5th 1853


Brigham Young 4th

Born April 23d 1856



Ms d 1741
fd 1 v. 2

[Daily entries starting in back of book]

Jos Young Sr Jos Young Sr

His Hand & Pen Dec 19 1871

the winter thus Far is Mild all though there is Much Snow in the Mountains

Salt Lake City

[accounts show him sending money to his family at Provo, including “Sarah Jane Young”, in 1868–71; also payments in 1870s to “J.A.” or “Jane A.,” “Lucinda,” Briggy,” “Eddie Young,” and other family members]

[There are other daily entries but they are mixed up with accounts.]


Ms d 1741
fd 2 v. 3

[On p. 79 are some women for whom Lucinda was baptized on 23 Jul [1871?]. On p. 80 are five women, deceased, for whom Jane A. stood as proxy on 25 Jan 1871 as they were sealed to Joseph. Page 81 lists more women baptized by Lucinda to be sealed to Joseph. on p. 82 he is sealed to them with on 4 Aug 1873 with Lucinda as proxy.

[p. 83]

SL City Jan 24/77 this Day Sister Ostler took our front Room at (5.00) pr Month


SL City Jan 29/75

went with Brother L D Young to Little Cotton wood Stoped at Wm G. Young Gave some Family Blessings and on Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st held two Days Meetings. The Saints filled the House they were addressed By a Large Number of the Missionaries who Delivered Spirited and Appropriate Testimonies


Blessings given to Brother James Freeze and his Family & others at his House on the


on Sunday Evening 8th Spoke to a large congregation in the Meetinghouse on Monday 9th Returned Home


Historical [--cts]

Thursday Mar. 5th /74 went this day to Provo with Daughter Caroline tarried 4 Days on Saterday & Sunday gave Patriarchal Belssings to ten Persons

on Sat the following Named persons Blessed viz John Snow & wife Harriet Erastus Snow & wife Josephine Don C Snow & wife Mary Dominicus Snow Blessed three others on Sunday viz Anetta Snow Nabby Kinsman and Charle Taylor



Jos Young & Lorenzo his Brothers Tour to Utah County

Left Salt Lake City on Tuesday noon Jan 5th/69 held meeting & Slept at Willow Creek first night

Wednesday morning proceeded to Mountainville held meeting in the Evening & Slept at this place

Thursday Jan 7 proceeded to Battle Creek met with the Saints in their Fast meeting Spoke to them Some words [Churing?] and Proceed to Prov

After we arrived the Bishop Ordered the Bell to Be Rang gathering the four wards into the Basement


of the Meeting House where we addressed the people a Short time in the Evening

Slept here and the following night addressed the Seventies in the fourth ward School room

Saturday Jan 9th Proceeded to Battle Creek and Preached to the Saints at 2 P.M. and allso in the Evening Slept here Sunday morning Jan 10th Proceeded to Lehi held Meeting at 11 oclock A M and allso in the Evening Spelt at this Place and on Mond Morn Jan 11th Left here at 90 oclock and arrived at our homes at five PM



Ms d 1741
fd 2 v. 4



S L City

June 11th/71

passed on 5 oclock Train to Farmington Held Meeting at 10 oclock Sunday A M and 2 oclock P M Returned on 7 oclock train P M


Aug. 9th/71

Recd this day for Hall Rent from Danish Siants in Cash $5.675 Commenced their Meetings in the night of Aug 1st

Aug 26th Rec’d from Danish Saints fr Brother WInburg Cash $5.00 [etc.]



[Am?] away from Sister Crowtons Charlie and I and went to Days  Op—forty five hour A fellow Sang the Song of the tread mill and got off Some of the best things I ever heard while he is on the tred mill he [---?] an immaginary fall and Says who are you here for grinding wind for the poor to sistribute in place of Pea--- money Says he again what are you here for a  for being Till I went to a Dr he advised me to take Something So I took his Gold watch. A fine --- So I suppose you have come ---- it off


Charles Nappier who used to preside over the Birmingham Branch wrote a letter to B A Shumway from Plain City to this Country an Appostate Letter full of Grumbling and Snarling bitter

How to make ginger wine

Take four gallons of Spring water and Leven as Good Sugar boil 1/4 of an hour and Skim it well when the Liquor is cold squeeze in the juce of two Lemmons then boil the peel with 1/2 the ginger in three pints water one hour put all together


when cold into a barel with two Spoonfulls of yeast and two oz of raisins then close it up and let it stand -- weeks then bottle it make in the spring



S L City

Oct 14/72

Know all men By these Presents that I have Duly Authorized My Son Legrand Young to Sell the Seventies Councill Hall Property (So Called) with the 4 Rooms in front & Dwelling House in the Rear with the land thereunto Belonging.

[p.21] and all appurtenances on the Premises to President Brigham Young for (Eleven thousand Dollars) in Cash one Thousand of which I have Duly Received Jos Young Sr

And I do hereby Authorize My Son


Legrand Young to Make and Execute the deeds of the above named Property as My Lawfully appointed Agent in case of My absence or Demise as I would do in Person were I Alive and Present

Joseph Young Sr



[Note: The following section is written backwards, starting with the back and moving toward the front of the book.]

the Latter day Saints are A Mistery to the world P in their Belief of a new faith

it is not however A New faith But that which orriginated with God himself as Early as the first annals of this Creation

for as Soon as Man was fallen he was Taught the Principle of faith in his father all though Shut out from his presence


the 12 appostles chosen in Decr allso the 70

June 29th

I visited Brother Boyles he was telling me how he lived: the hare got home four at home when I was there they Earn about lb 12 Shillings a week 1 for 8 and 9 pence a Week and have to live on the ballance They feel well and S—the Lord blest it for their good

I want to Send to Bro Geo. Romney the Particulars of Geo. F. Adams when I arrive in S. L. City


the winter of 35 & 36 we --- the Putty & Set the Glass on this Temple. the Spring of 36 the Temple was Dedicated and we Received Our Endowments from Joseph Smith the Prophet

went again on a Mission to Eastern Lands --- to our Kindred win them or Many to the gospel according to Joseph words


the fall or Autumn of 34 we Returned to Kirtland I immediately Resorted to York State and Moved my family ti Kirtland, the 12 appostles the Temple had at this period been in progress 18 months the Roof of which was placed on the Build During the winter of 34 & 35 the following Spring we were Sent on a Mission to the Eastern Coungtry

The Temple was Still in progress


in the Autumn of the Same year Brigham Moved his family to Kirtland

Another Item of History will carry us Back to the Spring of 33 the foundation of the Kirtland Temple was Laid at the suggestion of the Prophet Joseph

The following winter I was married

The Sprint of 34 we were called By the Prophet to go to Zion for her Redemption


As yet we had not Seen the prophet in November 32 we visited him

The winter of 33 we went to Canada preached the people of that country Raised up Branches & Returned home to New York

we Laboured after our Return home and Baptized & Assisted in the Organization of a L--- Branch Genessee Livingstone County


here for the first time I heard the Elders bear their Testimony in a Little meeting and this was the Climax & crowning Testimony of All

this was the Most Convincing of all former Manifestations

After I was Baptized I was Ordianed and immediately Left for a T--- of Many hundred Miles


History of the Spirit of Testimony on our first Experiences 1830

the Next Tstimony was of Brigham to me in Canada in 1832

I tried the Experiment of this Testimony By Selling [or Sadling?] A good horse that I had Bought for my use in the Methodist Religion and Left my friends in the British Province of uper Canada and Journey (200) miles &c to the State of Pensylvania


Text 10th June/70 God our Creator & his Atributes. his Creations, his Designs in Sending us here. 17 persons at Sis Cha---lery

[more speech notes follow]


Joseph Young Journal

Daily Journal Entries

(excludes accounts and any speech notes)
(daily entries start from the back)
(note that the first 55 pages of this journal contain Joseph's personal history and also notes on his death)



Josephine Y Free Daughter of Joseph Young and Lucinda  Young Died February 22nd 11 PM of Epileptic Spasms 1873 SBY


I visited  Farmington on Saturday April 12/70 and took chills after going to Bed at the House of Brother Haights I fought them for six hours and overcame them  held Meeting Next day in tehir Meetinghouse


May 7th 1873

27 Patriarchs ordained

Edwd Hunter aged

Father Merrill "

Albert Merrill "

Levi Jackman " 76 years

Lyman Leonard " 80 "

Daniel Shiarer "

Levi Richards " 74 "

E M Greene "

Ezekiel Lu "

Father woodberry "

Father Oakely "

Jas Brown "

--- Gibbs "

D B Huntington "

Elias SMith "

L D Young " 66 "

Jos Young " 76 "

Johnathan Pugmire

John Lyon " "


History Items

our daughter Chloe was Married to F D Benedict April 23d/1873

Left May 2d for New York

May 18th went to Centerville with Bro L D Young held Meeting with good time the Result

May 24 & 25 held two days Meetings at Lehi Many Missionaries good time indeed Brother Smiths appoint


Sunday June 1st/73 attended  two days Meeting at Millcreek

Missionaries Present

L D Young

Reuben Miller

R T Neslin

Geo Teasdell

Milo Andrus

David Candland

Chas Savage

Isc Groo

Saml Woolly

Saml Neslin

John Vancott

Jacob Gibson

Wm Young

David McKinzee

Septimus Sayers

Thos Taylor

Jas Tinze

John Nickolson


June 10th 3.45 PM

Mother and Rette Left for Logan

June 15 Returned home

Brother Isaac Decker's Remains Buried on the above Date

Joseph W Young Died June the 6th/1873

Burried on the 7th

Man of worth in words in deeds who can Excell Those Examles of Patriotism to Heavens Sacred Laws to him Revealed and By him obeyed a great Man a God in Embryo

Powder Explosion in Salt Lake City April 5/76 People Terified


[the following lines crossed out] June 7th/1873 Rented to Mrs Frank Fuller the Property of Seventies Hall Store in front the Hall itself the Dwelling House in the Rear the out houses including the Land the fruit trees and all the Surrounding within the yard for the Sum of $110.00 pr Month for five years which has Been Received as above Dated one Months Rent in advance July 7th Received the 2d Months Rent 110.00 [end of lines crossed out]

Seraph Ford took the Hall Aug. 28./76


S L City Oct 5th/1880 attend the Funeral of Sister Abigail Leonard at 11 oclock A M with My wife Jane A B Young




Aug 8th/73

Recd 3d payment ($110) one hundred ten Dollars


June 7th 1873

Rented this day to Mrs Frank Fuller the Property Known as the Seventies Hall Property including Store in front the Dwelling house the outhouses the Hall the Land Adjoining within the fence fruittrees Etc for five successive years for the Sum of 110 Dollars advanced for Each Month

June 7 Recd $110.00 as first Payment

July 7th Recd 2d Payment $110.00


S L City Sept 29th 1880Jimy Pitt (Son of the late Willia Pitt) was crushed to Death By the carsthis Evening at 27 Minuts Past Seven oclock P M Spreading a gloom over the community


July 13th/73

attended Meeting at Draperville Sunday July 13th with Brother Samuel Smith & Brother David McKinsey good time indeed

South Cottonwood ward Saterday & Sundday July 5th & 6th held Meetings at the above place (two days) Present L D Young R Miller Jos Young Milo Andruss Robert Neslin Septamus Sears Brother Swan Thos Taylor D B Huntington & others

June 27, 28 & 29th/73

Prest Young held Meeting at Logan Cache on the above Named Date in company with a goodly number of his Brethren from the City Geo A Smith John Taylor W Woodruff J F Smith


G Q Cannon Jos. Young & others of his own Family had a Verry good time at Grantsville June /73 with Brotehr Isaac Groo Saml Woolly L D Young Jos Young Wm G Young

At Toile City July 26 & 27 held Meeting

Present Prest B. Young

" G A Smith

" D H Wells

G Q Cannon J F Smith L D Young Jos Young & others Proffitable Meeting


Aug 2d & 3d/73

Saterday & SUnday Meeting at West Jordan Bishop Gardeners Attended on Saturday Sunday at home Jos Young

A dream on night Aug.26./73

I was at a House as it seemed to be in the 1wth ward Brigham Heber Eleazer Miller and JTD Mcalister was Present

Heber & Brother Miller were in one Room Brigham & Mcalister in another Myself in the 3d

Bro Miller Says come Bro Jos---go with us No Said I Cant at this time Must See the Man you Baptized (Brigham)

at this Moment, Bro. McAlister Struck into and Sung the following on (274) page


I'll lift My hands
I'll Raise My voice
While I have Breath
To pray or Praise
This work Shall Make
My heart Rejoice
Throughout the Remnant
Of My Days

these words and the Tune Both Being Executed with So Much Pathos By  Brother Mc-alister

and the acuteness of the Sentiment Stuuck me with Such force that It awoke me from a profound Sleep and giving Me Instantly all My Mental facculties as if in a Congregation of Saints


Saterday Aug 30th/73 went to Farmington Remained untill Sunday 31st held two Meetings and Returned in the Evening Train

Saturday Sept 6/73 this day attended a funeral of Bro Jas Woods Little Child

Called on Brother Levi Wrighter [Levi Evans Riter, son Seymour's father-in-law] Spent 3 hours Most hapily with him and wife & Profitably Came home went to Sister Kays Bought peck Peaches Henriette fetched them home

I planted six of them fruit & all in four years we will with the Lords Blessing pick some fruit in (1877)


Sunday Sept 7th went to Big Cottonwood ward attended Meeting in Company with Brother Levi Riter and Family

Sunday Sept 14/73 went with Son S B Young together and held Meeting at Draperville good time


Saterday Oct 11th/73 went with Brother Brigham to Provo had two days meetings Tarried until Thursday 16th

from Thence with Brother Lorenzo & son William G Proceeded to Sanpete called & held Meeting at Payson on our Rout and allso at Salt Creek at Both of which places Isplet in their homes etc & Rejoiced with warm hearted Saints

from thence Proceeded on Sat 18th to Ephraim held Two Meeting on Sunday 19th on Sunday Evening held Meeting at Manti

20th on Monday we tarried at this Place held Two Meetings in the day & one in the Evening

21 on Tuesday Returned to Ephraim held Meeting at 2 P M


and allso in the Evening

Wednesday 22 we Remained at this Place and in the Evening held another Meeting

Thursday 23d we Proceeded to Spring City and took diner at Brother O. Hydes from thence to Mt Pleasant held Meeting in the Evening

Friday 24th held Meetings allso at 10 A M Then proceeded to Moroni held Meeting in the Evening Slept at this Place

25 and on Saterday Proceed to Ft Green held Metings at 10 A M from thence Proceed to Salt Creek held 2 Meetings


on Sunday 26 and gave Seven Patriarchal Blessing During the interim of the two Meetings

Monday 27 proceeded to Provo took diner on our Rout at Brother douglass in Payson Slept at Provo and from thence on Tuessday 28th took the cars at American Fork after B Miles of Carriage Conveyance and landed at the Station on the 7 oclock Train and at 8 landed from teh Strut car at My Dwelling house in 12th ward


Sunday Jan. 15. 1874

This Day our Daughter Rhoda Sealed to Thos Mcintosh

this day allso our Little Dwelling House in Rear of Council Hall took fire and Some Little Damage done though trifling

S L City March 29th/80

Brother G P Teasdel Presented me with ten dollar order in his Store as an Offering 10|00 He allso Places (100.00) one-Hundred dollars in our hands as Councill of Seventies to Be Disposed of among the out-going Missionaries and their families according to our Discrection and their Circumstances May Heaven increase his stores



S L City Oct 18th/75

Contribued to Brother George Teasdale Br G P Teasdale cash 6.00 to Store on G P T & Co. 4.00

S L City O 22d/75

William D Box is paid cash 5.00 Store order 4.00

S L City Oct 25/75

Jos G Young Recd order $4.00 cash $6.00

Date as above John M Young Recd order 4.00 " cash 6.00

S L City Oct 26/75

Jas A Little order 8.00

dto cash 2.00

Joseph Standing to cash 3.00


S  L City Oct 18/75 For Missionaries S P Teasdale Donated fifty Dollars James Townsend " four Dolls (4.00)

S L City June 5th/77

S P Teasdale Placed in My hands Store orders for the Missionaries to the Amount of ($20.00) twenty Dollars

(10.00 ten Dolls of theh above Amt gave to Brother Slaglosky the other Ten to the Missionaries with Brothers A T McDonald going to Europe S L City Mar. 26/79 Recd this day By Councillor Barton of ward 18th orders to the Amt of $10.00 from S P Teasdel for Sister Pierce


S L City. Oct 23d/75 the following Pages will Show what has Been Left in My hand and By whom for the Benefit of the Missionaries and their Families Since the Conference of Oct 6/75

the following will show cash and orders donated for the Missionaries May 6th/78 and By whom

S P Teasdel Store orders 50.00

Carl Rasmussen cash 10.00

Frank Armstrong cash 10.00

Alva A Greene " 5.00

Franklin Neff " 5.00

all of which has Been paid over to James Jack Subject to the order of Prest John Taylor

to Bro Nicolson 10

to Benjam Fleming 10

to M McKeswill 5

to Robt Campbell 5


Peter Matson & wife

Laura M Fishburn

Eliza Fishburn

Eliza Prissilla Fishburn

Robert Fishburn

Oliver C Ormsby

Marette Ormsby

S L City Aug 7/77 this Day Brother Brigham Presented Me with ten Dollars in Cash Lord Bless him forever worlds without End

Sept 10th 78 this night Mr Henry W Beacher Delivered his Lecture in the Theatre

[next two pages reverse the usual order]


Sketch of My Tour in Weber and Boxelder Cos Nov 16/75 Tuesday Morning Left home & took the 7 oclock train and arrived at Ogden Before 10 AM here I stayed untill Thursday held one Meeting [---] then Took car for Brigham City arrived 11 oclock A M put up with Brother Saml Smith & Remained Eight Days in his house During this time I gave 24 P Blessings and held Six Meetings or Spoke Six times to the Saints assembed and twice to the Schools


on Friday 26th Returned as far as Willard City Stayed with Bishop Ward from the time I arrived 4 o P M until Sunday at half past 3 o P M then took the cars for Ogden and Ard at half past 4 P M Slept at Franklin S Richards During My Stay at WIllard CIty held 5 meetings Names of Persons Recving their Blessings as follows

Samuel Smith Mary Smith 1st wife Ann Smith 2d wife Maria Smith 3d wife Caroline Smith 4 wife Samuel L Smith 2 wives Hiram Smith one wife Esterann Smith Isaac Smith Abraham SMith Delina Smith Priscilla Smith Lott G SMith


S L City

Friday Dec 10th/75

I Dreamed last night of Seeing a Green Tree Blown DOwn & falling against another it was Shriven to Pieces

Excursion to South Cottonwood By Jos Young & L D Young taken there By H S Eldredge in his Sleigh on the afternoon of Jan 21/76 put up with Bhp Wm G Young

Met with a few of the Elders in the Ward House on Saterday 22d Made appointment for the following Day (Sunday) Meeting at 11 A M About (100) Saints Present

they were addressed By the following Missionaries L D Young Jos Young Robt Neslin S B Young Chas Willkins A M Musser John Pack A P Rockwood Carle Maser page 260


Edwd Stevenson WIlliam G Young And B Shutler were present did not Speak

Little Cottonwood

Feb 13th 76 Held Meetings At this Place on the above Date went in Co with F Little who Kindly Conveyed Me in his Carriage to the Place of the Meeting where we Met with and Addressed a Large Assembly of Saints Six Missionaries were Present all of whome Spoke to the People Ferry M Little Charle Wilkin Robt Neslin A P Rockwood Bro McMaster Jos Young A good Spirit Prevailed Return home in the Even


Feb 9th/76 Met with general Councill of Seventies this Evening

Spent Some time in Dsicussing the Case of Brother Pack

Reported what the President Said on the Subject and we Supposed the Matter was Settled But on the Next weekly Meeting his case was Refered to again and left unsettled this was on the 16th the Councill was in hopes it was Disposed of But Still it Lingers

it has Seemed to Me that this case of Bro John Pack has been Before the councill in order to Bring out and fix a President for other similar cases


Monday Eve

SL City April 24th/76

went to Ogden City on Saterday 22 with the following Brethren viz John Taylor WIlford Wood Bish Hunter A P Rockwood H S Eldridge and Robert Campbell

The Object of this visit was t Make Arrangements for puting the Temple in Motion

on Saterday May 20th went to Ogden Tarried at Brother F D RIchards over the Sabbath untill Monday Morning atten no Meeting

the Storm was Severe


on the 13th May 1876 there fell a heavy Snow in and about Salt Lake City and the Surrounding Country

on teh 20th of the Same Month another violent Storm of Snow fell nearly Equal to the first Both of which occurences has Rarely transpired Since the Settlement of this valley

it was Supposed at first that the fruit was Ruined But Such is not the case Generally

though Some Kinds are Much injured

Ithink Peaches and apples Goosberies Strawberries ect are Safe

Both of the above Storms gave an aspect of Winter GLoom fruit trees Bending Beneath the Load of Snow


Sunday May 28./76

went with Brother H S Eldridge to little Cottonwood  & there Met Bro. Rockwood and Brother Jas [Free] held two Meeting one at 11 A M the other at 2 P M

for Temple purposes left at the Close and went to Mill Creek Meetinghouse held annother Meeting in the interest of the Temple and Return home at 6 oclock PM found Rhoda verry SIck we hope to have faith to heal her in the Name of the Lord


S L City June 4th/76

I Solomize Matrimony this Day Between Jas M Brown and Christina Burgess

Jos. Young Sr

Sept 20th/1880 My Dream of Brigy on the night of the above Date Dreamed Brigy came home But Did not Stay Long there went to other places His face appeared Verry Dirty or Sore I could not tell which

on Close Examination it appeared to Be Sore

I asked him to wash it he Replied he could not get it out for he had tried

appeared like a Little boy


My Excursion to Ogden on Saterday June 10th/76 took the 9 oclock Morning Train arrived at Ogden at 9.20 I attended Priesthood Meting at 11. A M went to Bro. Herrick took Diner and at 2 PM attend [Temah K] Meeting Slept at Brother Herricks Sunday attended Meeting at Tabernacle at 11 ocl A M Returned to Bro Hs and at 5 P M attended Meeting Returned to Broth H gave on Pl Blessing at South S House Slept at Br Hs on Monday Rode to North Ogden held Meeting 11. A M and in the Evening at 7 oc gave 2 P.l Blessings Slept At Brother Ellises on Tuesday Held Meeting at L[imn] at 11 A M and at Harrisvill at 4 P M Return home Wedns


S L City July 9th/76

went to Centervill this Day held Meeting at 11 A M Came home Same Evening Seventies Meeting at 5 P M

My Excursion to Cache Valley Left S L City Friday July 28/76 on 3.45 P M first night at Kaysville with Brother Rosel Hyde attended Birth Day Aniversary at Brother Barnes Next Morning Proceeded to Willard City held Meetings Sunday at 10 A M at half past ten took carriage with the Bishop & wife to Brigham City Priesthood Meeting in Sessio Spoke few Minuits held Meeting in Evening at 7 oclk Slept at Brother SMiths Remained here untill Tuesday gave one Patriarchall Blessing to Sisster Phebe Snow

Tuesday Aug 1st took cars Proceeded to Logan


tarried in and About this Place Some 18 days held Meetings in 5 Settlements outside of Logan & Made [-] addresses (Long or Short) in that Place [Six or] 8 times Returning home with wife who had Met Me at Logan on the 19th

Saterday Sept 16./76 went to Provo and Remained untill Mond 18. & took the Return train and Came to American Fork Stayed & Slept at Bishop H[--]ingtons went Next Morning to See Sister Betsy Murdock & took Dinner Brother H and wife with me Return to the Bishop took the Return train for Home During My Stay at Provo I held Meeting at 2 A ward house Schoolhouse in the Evening


The American fork Saints held a Centenial Celebration at their Grove and in the Evening a Dance which I Attended with the Bishop & his wife

On Saterday Sept 23d/76 I took the cars with My wife Sister Burnham & went to Farmington Sunday 24th held Meeting at 11 oclock A M and at 3 oclock P M held one for the Seventies we Slept at Brother H Haites on Saterday night and Sunday night at Brother F Leonards

Took the Train at 11 oclk and Return home on Monday 25th


Saterday Oct 28/76 went to Grantsville with Brother L D Young & Saml Woolley one Meeting on Saterday Evening two on Sunday and one in the Evening Making four Meetings

Return home on Monday

a Proffitable time

Excursion to Centerville on Saterday Nov 25/76 with my wife Maryan Burnham first night Slept at Nathan Porters 2d night at Bishop Smiths Met with Brother Jos F Smith we held Meeting Jointly at 11 A M and in the Evening allso felt well

Return home on Monday


S L City Dec.25./76

Daughter Chloe Presented her Father with Silk Nek-handkerchief (Black) Daughter in Law Lizie [Ann Elizabeth Riter] with full handkerchief Daughter Rhoda with pair kid Gloves

January 1st 1877 12 oclock noon Husband & wives of the Families of Jos Young P H Young and Edwd Young Met at the House of L D Young to injoy a family visit and Partake of a Sumtuous Dinner.

Spent the afternoon verry Pleasantly in amusing themseles with incidents of the Past


Saterday Jan 6/77 went with Brother Lorenzo D to South Cottonwood to visit his son William G and his family we were entertained By them as the angels Should Be

on Sunday William and his Father went to Big Cottonwood while I attended the Meeting with Bishop Rawlins at the ward House in Little Cottonwood

in the Evening we all attended the Meeting at the last named Place

and we Slept at William Gs on Sunday night allso

And on Monday came home

it was profitable to us all


Saterday Jan 13th/77

Went to Bountifull put up and Slept at Brother Daniel Carters on Sunday at 2 P M held our Meeting in the ward House

and in the Evening at School-House ordained Brother Chester Call as one of Presidts of Seventies to take the Place of Lutehr Burnham in the 70th qm of Seventies

Slept again at Brother D Carters Sunday night and Came home On Monday


Saterday Feb 17th/77

went to Provo Stayed allnight with Family Sunday Morning took cars went to Payson Met Bro L D Young & Son WIlliam G held Meetings at 11 a m at 2 P M and in the Evning & Next Morning at 9 A M Return to Provo Stop all night

Return on Tuesday home

Saterday Feb 24./went to Oden held Meeting Sunday at 11 Oclock A M and Evening at 7 P M Return home on Monday


Saterday S L City March 17/77

went to Farmington call at Bro E T Clarks and allso at Brother Hector Hates and at Brother T Leonards and Remained all night attend Meeting at 11 oclock A M heard the Returned MIssionaries from Australia Job Welling and Thos Steed

in afternoon Spoke to the Saints at 3 O P M Tarried at Bro Leonards all night took the 11 oclock Train on Monday & Return home

S L City Saterday March 24. 77 went to Bountifull and Remained there untill Mon 26 held Two Meetings During My Stay and put up with Brother Daniel Carter

Return home on Monday in 11 O C Train


S L City April 2d/77

went to American fork on Sunday 1st April held Meeting at 11 A M Spoke to Sunday School at 2 P M held Meeting in the Evening at 7 oclock Return on Monday home  on 3 oclock Train

April 7th the aniversary of My Birth-Day went with wife Jane A to Logan and Remained at our Daughter Addie's untill Wednesday 11th

On Sunday 8th at 12 oclock (noon) I Solomnized Matimony Between Opkins John Matthews and Lottie A Robbins the former of Providence

we came home on Wednsday


Sunday May 6th/77

took the 7 oclock Train to Centervill Preached at 11 oclock A M Attend Sunday School at 2 P M Slept at N [Dortirs] and Took the 11 oclock Train Monday return home at 12 o noon all well

S L City friday June 15th took Train with Daughter Almira to Spanish Fork Arrived at Brother J Conrads at 12 oclock Tarried in this place untill Monday June 18th

Preached to the Saints on Sunday and Gave two P Blessings

Came on Train to Provo Tarried allnight came home on Tusday



S L City July 12th/77 took dinner at F M Littles at 3/ O P M, (allso on the 19th)

Tarried 2 hours and and visited John Youngs on the Above Date visit Willy Mcintosh and administered to him

he will Be Restored as witnesses the Spirit

Saterday S L City July 28th/77 visited Farmington Slept at Bro. E T Clarks and on Sunday at 10 oclock visited Sunday School at 3 P M Preached to the Saints Bro E Stevenson Present Slept at Bro F leonards Return homea t 11 O A M good time


Saterday Aug. 4th/77 went to American Fork Slept at Bishop Heringtons Sunday at 11 oclock visited Sunday School & Spoke to them 20 Minuits & Preached to the Saints 55 Minuts in the Evening Brother Mazer & Brother Hardy Present in the interest of the Provo Acadamy Return home on Monday at 6.30 P M


Salt Lake City Aug 29./177 this afternoon at 4 clock P M Brother Brigham Young Departed this life aged 76 years 2 Months and 28 days Being 4 years one Month and 28 days younger than Myself

Joseph Young Sr


Jos Young, Born April 7. 1797 older than P H Young one year ten Months and 22 days

older than Brigham Young four years one Month and 23 days

older than Lorenzo Young Nine years Six Months and 12 days

P H Young Born Feb 16. 1799

Brigham Young Born June 1. 1801

Lorenzo D Young Born Oct 19 1807

Total Eclips of the Sun July 29th



S L City Sept 6/7 this Morning at 7 oclock A M our Vilate Left for Philidelphia with [L b W] and his children

On the 19th and 20th Days of Sept/1877 our Family Jane A and her children Moved from the 12th ward to the 18th ward L D Young is now our Bishop Jos. Young Sr

Sept 28th/77

Dedicated this day on the Temple Block the New Tabernacle Brotehr John Taylor Presided


S L City Oct 26/77

Brother Harry Luff, Presented Me with Eight Quinces (a Boon indeed) Heaven increase his fruit and his Substance

S L City Nov 24/77 went this Day to Centreville held Meeting on Sunday the 25. at 11 oclock Met Bro Robert Neslin who took Me to Bountifull we held Meeting at 2 P M and in the Evening at half past Six

Returned home on Monday 26 on the 11 oclock Train

Thursday Nov 29/77 celebrated our national thanksgiving with a dinner on Ducks Presented to us By our Kind Son & Brother Seymour B Young with the two Little Daughters of Gracie [Legrand Young's wife Gracie Hardy]


Salt Lake City Jan 1st 1878 SPent the Day at home untill half past 1 oclock

then in Response to an invitation to Tom Mcintoshes with My wife Jane to partake of a New years Dinner we Proceeded on foot when we had Reached the Stone wall of Bro. H B Clawsons in front of his House the Sidewalk Being verry Slippery worn By the Boys with there Sleds I attempted to walk But My feet Betrayed Me and I came Down on My Back But Rose to My feet as quickly as I fell and Resumed My course Straight forward notwithstanding My wifes advise to the contrary I fell the 2d time I Still Persisted in My course & came Down the 3d time this Hurt more the other two


Sunday April 7th/1878 was the anaversary of My Birthday, passed off and no visitors untill about Six oclock A M when My two oldest Sons and their families came in Rhoda and Tom had Been in a Little time Before

all with their Presents to Father and Grandfather

Tom and Rhoda through their Little Jennie gave Six New Pocket handkerchiefs

worth 2.50

Seymour B. " cash 5.00

Lizie S B " " 2.00

Legrand " " 5.00

five grandchildren 50 cts from Each 2.50

Lizie allso pare pants 7.50

Chloe came Nex day with 5.00


Making in all 19.50 cash and two in goods total 29.50

But the Sublime was the Treat that it gave to our Spirits

no words can Describe the Joy I felt

Songs Anthems and Social chat filled the time of two hours to our Mutual Edification that will admit of no improvement

I Dismissed them with Fatherly Benediction

Jos Young Sr

April 9th/78

Capt Jon H Hooper Donated to Me this Day in Goods $20.00 God Bless him and Family


April 18th/78

At 4 P M this afternoon wife Jane with Balance of the Family at this House visited our Son Legrand together with S B Young and his Family Chloe and F D Benedict Rhoda and Tom & Jenie Partook of Fine Dinner

Being the anaversary of their (Grand & Gra[--]) wedding day

Saterday April 27/78 took Tour to Farmington Leaving the City at 3 40 P M and Tarried until Monday Sleeping at Brother E T Clarks Both Nights taking the 9 A M train for home Brother E J C gave me cash 2.00 J Leonard " 0 50


Tuesday Morning May 7/78 Legrand & his Mother left this Morning for New York State and City for visiting and Buisness Expecting to be Absent 3 or 4 weeks

Saterday June 8th at 3 [o k 40] went to Bountifull and Sister Burnham with Me Spent two Days and nights Stoping at Brotehr Daniel Carters Returned Myself on Monday leaving Sister Burnham to visit the Saints in that Place


Legrand & his Mother Returned home on 5th day of June Wednsday/78 Being absent 4 weeks and two Days

Thursday June 13th/78 went with Mother & Little Seymour B Y to Logan to visit Adie & family Tarried untill the Next Tuesday when we Returned home Met with the Seventies while there and Made an appointment for a Conference on the Midle of September Next

we have filled the above apointment

A P Rockwood

John Vancott

and Myself Jos Young


Oct 12th/78

visited Bountifull with Sister Ostler Stoped at Bro William Muirs Saterday night and on Sunday at ten A M held Meeting at his Schoolhouse in the afternoon at the Meetinghouse 2 P M Slept at Bro Daniel Carters Return on Monday 11. occk to the city

Friday Dec 13th 78 went to Ogden Stoped at Bro Franlin D Richards until Monday 16th attend one Funeral & two Meetings the last on for the Seventies on Sunday Evening


S L City Feb 27./79

This day celebrated Matrimony Between David H Hollhouse and Elizabeth Ure at the Residence of F D Benedicts Jos Young Sr

S L City April 7th/79

My Son S B Young with wife & Children on this My 82d Aniversary Presented Me with cash 6.00

April 17th/79. My son Legrand Presented Me with 10.00 ten Dollars in Gold.

Heaven Bless them forever & Ever

Jos Young


S L City Tuesday Morning May 13th/79

this Morning our Son Brigham B Young left for England in Company with Septiums Sears

last Evening Brother George Carless and wife Made a call and Executed Some fine pices of Music

there were Present of the Family

S B Young & Liie with her five children

Legrand and wife with their two oldest children

Doct F D Benedict and Chloe his wife

Rhoda & Jenny, [Alise] & Grandy Robins Making in all 19


Besides the Family of the House of Six which included Made  25 persons

it has occured to Me that when our son B B Returns we Must Meet again with the Same ones and Some More of the Family

Jos Young

I visited Grantsville on Saterday May 24 & 25 and Returned on Monday the 26 including two nights and 3 days in My Tour


S L City June 17th/79 this day Sister Lilie Stains Presented Me two Bottles pure Domestic wine Lord Bless her on thursday June 19th/79 four of us Myself My wife and Daughter Rhoda and Little Jenny went to Logan Cache and Remained with Addie Robins untill Wednsday the 25 and took the train and Return home Met Tom at Ogden


On Sunday 22 Met with the Sunday School at 10 A M and and spoke to the Saints at 1 P M and also 7 1/2 P M evening

While at Logan gave to Addie and family Money Some Eight or ten Dollars Cash

She allso Recived Some from Mother and Rhoda Six or Eight Dollars More

Sunday 6th July/79 went to Grands Farm with Mother at one P M took his carriage with D Millhouse went to Farmington & Spoke to the Saints 2 1/2 P M Tarried at J Leonards


until Monday Morning took Morning Train home

Friday July 18th/79 went to Provo tarried till Saterday took Sarah Jane went to Nephi attend thur quarterlly conference Spoke a good deal to the Saints During the Meeting

held Seventies Meeting Saterday Evening at 7. P M

the Brethren Donated (500.) pounds flour and cash 4.00 Returned home on Monday Ellie Kinsman came with Me to the City During my Stay at Nephi gave Eight Patriarchal Blessings


S L City Aug 9th/79

went to Ogden on Saterday Tarried two Days at Brother F A Browns During which time held two Meeting Return on Monday at 12 o clock noon

Salt L City Saterday Aug 16/79 went to American Fork tarried at BishopHaRringtons untill Monday 4 O P M then took the cars for home

During My Stay here I Spoke with [Podium?] 3 times twice to the Congregation once to the Sunday School


Thursday Sept 11th/79

Started this day on My Tour to Sanpete County

took the cars to Provo the first day Slept here first night Friday 12th Resumed the cars as far as Nephi held Meeting in the Evening with Bro L D Young

Remained in this Place untill Monday Spoke to the Sunday School at 11 oclock held Meeting at two P M and allso at 7 P M

Monday 13th Left and took passage in the carriage that Brother Grover had Provided his Brother Drove us to Moroni and Slept at Bishop [Ivins?] 16th Tuesday noon here we were Met By Borther Matson from Ephraim


who conveyed us to that place in 2 hours we Rested ourselves here at Brother Petersons a very kind family and Remained untill we Left the place

17th wednsday Evening held Meeting for the Seventies in the Store Loft a Hall fited for Meeting

18 Thursday  Brothe rPeterson took us to Manti Saterday 20 Held Meeting at 2 P M

Sunday 21 held Meeting at 10 o ck

at one clock Returned to Ephraim Spoke 25 Minits in the Bowry the Saints assembed in the Hall at 7 oclock and I spok to them Remained at Ephraim untill Tusday 23d at noon when Brother Brown from Mt Pleasant came with carrages took us to that Place 24th Wedsday the people gatherd and held Two Meeting in Day light


And one in Evening it was a profitable time

Thursday 25 Bro [Fancin] took us to Moroni where we Remained untill Friday 26 took carriage with Bishop Bradley to Nephi 27th Saturday took the cars to the city arrived at 6 oclock

Mr. B. B. Young

30 Florence Street

Upper Street


London N.


New Parlour Stove fited up Oct 29/79


S Lake City, Sunday Oct 12/79

this day attended the Funeral of Brother Phinehas H Young Myself and wife Brother L D Young and family Speakers Bro George Teasdale Brigham Jr S B Y and Jos  Young S

S L City Jan 1st/1880

this day with wife Jane A and two Daughters Rette and Fanny took Dinner at Tom & Rhoda Mcintosh at 4 oclcok P M

S L City

Sunday Jan 4th 1880

Conference of this State held in the new assembly Hall on teh 3d and 4th


S L City Sunday Jan 4th/80

Doctor F D Benedict and Chloe (his wife) Tom and Rhoda (his wife) and Little Jeny all took Dinner with us at 3 oclock P M

on November 27th/79

took Thanksgiving Dinner at Bro L D Young with wife J A Y and allso celebrated his Birth day which transpired on October 19th day

this day [----] with the Members of the Legeslatur



S L City APril 3d/80

Priesthood Meeting at the assembly Hall

4th Sunday forenoon Brother Woodruff Reported his Mission [---] Brother Moses Thatcher his Mission to Mexico

Bro Orson Pratt afternoon Monday forenoon 5th Brigy Jr Spoke and Bro Jos F Smith after him

in the afternoon Jos Young Spoke 50 Minutes and also Brother Vancott followed him.


S L City April 10th/1880

Councill of fifty Met at 10 A M at Councill house and ajourned to City-Hall Prest John Taylor was chosen unanimously as President of the Councill Minuits of the old Constitution Read and all things Pertaining to it as coming from the Prophet was adapted and with one Voice Sanctioned By all after Recieving the [past into subjects?]


of its History and various Remarks By Different Members the Counsill adjourned til 3 P M at the appointed time the Councill Resumed it Siting and Many things were Spoken in Confirmation of the Nature and Expediency of its Organization from the Beginning By President John Taylor and Others at 4 O P M the Councill adjourned to Wednsday at 2 O P M



the 21st Inst to Meet at this Place (City Hall) the Kingdom of Goad and his Laws Judgment in the Hand Of his Servants Ahman Christ

Monday S L City Jan 10th 81

My water has Been taken Twice up to this time 10 O A M (Tuesday 11th it was taken)

S L City Jan 12th have My Water taken to day on the above Date

Jan 13th My water taken at 9 O A M

14th water taken at 9 O A M

15th water taken

16th water taken

17th water tkane

to page 204


Saturday May 22d /80

went to Ogden Stoped at Brother Franklin D Richards untill Munday Mrorning took the Morning Train for home where I arrived about noon

WHile here I Visited the Sunday School on the Hill near Bro Browns

Spoke to the Saints in the Tabernacle at 2 O P M and at 1/2 past 6 P M in the New 4th ward Meeting House Pleasant Time

S L City June Friday 4th/80

Went to WIllard City on the above Date Bro A Miner with Me and Joined By two Brethren from Ogden Slept at this Place (Willard) Friday night held our Seventies Conference at 10 A M and on Saturday 5th at 2 P M then took the 6 ock


Evening train to Brigham arrived there at Seven

Sunday 6th held Meeting (Seventies conference) at 10 A M at 2 P M and at half past 6 Evening

I remained here untill Wednesday the 9th then Left for home

good time

from Ogden Brother Stoel and Bro. William F Critchlow

Brother L W Bewerton and Others of the Presidents of Seventies went to the Conference at Brigham City


S L City April 18th/80

having Received (100)00 one hundred Dollars from S P Teasdel Merchant of this city in Orders on his Eagle Hous calling for Goods for the Relief and Benefit of our Elders and their Families who are called upon to Perform Missions abroad and allso in Some instances home Missions indispensible to Buisness transactiosn for the Benefit of all concerned

thisoffering is dedicated by the noble Saintly Gentleman whose Name is above and will not fail to Elisit General approval and in particular those who are the Recipients of his kindness all of which will Be faithfully Distributed as circumstances May call for Signed Jos Young Sr


April 13th/80

gave for the benefit of E F Pierces Motherless children who has Just Returned from a Mission to New Zealand $5.00

April 14th/80 Paid to Robbert Campbell ten dollars order on S P Teasdel $10.00

April 19th/80 Sent to L W Handcock on the above Date fifteen Dollars of the Funds committed to My Disposal at Discretion from S P Teasdel 15.00

May 9th/80 Sent to Sister Kate South By Brother George Thurgood order on S P Teasdel for five Dollars

May 11th/80 Delivered to Sister Matilda Bliss order of five DOllars on Brother S P Teasdels Store $5.00


S  L City May 12/80

By order from Br C M Wheelock Sent ten dollars order on Brother S D Teasdel to Be Disposed of at My Discretion $10.00

Brigham City Monday June 7th/80 gave to J C Wright five Dollars of the Orders on S P Teasdels Store (of Salt Lake) Left in hands of Jos Young

S L City June 15th/80

gave to Brotehr Hyrum W Mikesell five Dollars on Brother S P Teasdel's Store of the funds commited to Me for those in Distress of our Brethren

July 4th/80 Sent to Henry G Boils family orders on S P Teasdels Store COmmitted to Me (15.00) fifteen Dollars


S L City July 29th/80

gave to Brotehr Robert Campbell on the above Date order of five Dollars ion Br S P Teasdels Store $5.00

S L City July/80

Sent to C H Wheelock at Mt Pleasant Sanpete County order of five Dolls on S P Teasdels Store Through Bro John Nutall 5.00

Sunday Provo Sept 12th/80

Gave to George W Handcock for Sister Henry G Boil 5.00 of order on S P Teasdels store

S L City Sept 17th/80

to Robbt Campbell Ten DOllars order on S P Teasdels Store five of which will pay for Stationary the otehr five he Retains By order of Councill


S L City Oct 18th/80

Received of S P Teasdel for Missionary purposes twenty five Dollars in Store orders on the Eagles House of this City and ten for Jos Young S

Saturday Oct 23d/80 Went to Ogden attend the quarterly conference of the Stake Spoke Sunday afternoon 30 Minuiuts to a Crowded House

Put up with My Geniel friends our Much Esteemed F D Richards and  his Kind family the Ever Beloved Sister Jane at their Head

Return Home on Monday Met wife & Rhoda at the Station found all well


S L City Dec 1st/80

this Day felt to Some Extent the Terible Stopage of all My Physical functions and was in Doubt whether it would not Prove Fatal

Robert Campbell and S B Young came that afternoon Each Separate & Distinct annointed Me and administered to Me

two hours after this Made water freely

used warm Baths for two or three Days and found great Relief and that feeling So much Better I am thankfull to the Lord


S L City Jan. 5th/1881

this Day gove to H W Mkiswell five Dollars on the Eagle House to S P Teasdel

S L City Apil 2d/81

gave to C M Wheelock five Dollar order for S P Teasdel Eagle House on the above Date


frome Me

Tuesday 18th Water taken

Wednesday 19th water taken

Thursday 20th My water taken

Friday 21st My water taken

Saturday 22d My water taken

Sunday Morning Jan 23d took it Myself in the Evening took it again

Monday 24th took water again noon

Tuesday 25th taken twice this day

Wednesday 26th taken " " "

27th taken 3 times this Day THursday

Friday 28th taken twic this Day

Saturday 29th taken twice this day

Sunday 30th taken twice this day

Monday 31st taken twice " "

Tuesday Feb 1st twice this Day

Wednes " 2d twice this Day

Thursday Feb 3d twice this Day


Wednesday 16/80

S L City June 16th took Train to Provo Joined by My Wife S J K Proceeded to Nephi on Thursday noon arrived there 17th

at 2 P M attended the Female Relief Society Meeting

on Friday 18th atend the Primary School

and on Saturd 19th two Meetings Seventies Conference at 10 A M and at 2 P M

Sunday Morn at 10 A M attend the Sunday School at 2 P M Resume the Seventies COnference and 1/2 past Seven oclk young [ladies?] association and Mutual imrpovement

11 Meeting all of whom I addressed J Young


Prima Donna Lady Singer impertinances

Triportite Divided into 3 parts

Disereda[----] Much to Be Desired

impicunious Difficient in money

Bro. A Miner accompanied Me and took part with Me in the Confrence a time Long to Be Remembered William Taylor came Sunday noon Jos Young


words and Definitions

Interregnum Throne vacated

Hiatus opening aperture chasm

Abrogation Self Denial or Sacrifice

Surrepticiously Stealthaly

Sarcophagus Stone coffin

Juxtaposition (in close or near contiguity)

condonation act of Pardoning




[198-out of usual sequence]

S L City Jan 19/78

Senator Mortons words taken from his views on the Chinese question of Rights of emigration to this country

He Sayes the Strength and indulgence of our Government does not Depend on our Material Wealth and Prosperity nor will they be insured By a General Diffusion of Education

our only absolute Security consits in the D[ep]ation of the Masses of hte people to the Doctrines upon which the Government was founded and a profound conviction that the Rights of Men are not confered By Constitution Enactments


which May Be altered or abolished at will But are the natural God Given and inalieable RIghts of universal Man


Seventies Conference at Payson

Salt Lake Friday Morn July 9th/80

toko the car to Provo tarried here Over night Solomnized Matrimony Between Emily W Kinsman [a stepdaughter?] and Sims M Dugins

Saturday Morning July 10th joined By My wife Sarah Jane we took the Train to Payson

held Meeting at 2 P M was Joined By Brother Aurelius Milliner at Provo

Sunday Morning 11th held Meeting at 10 A M and at 2 P M and allso at 6 P M the first and Second was well attended

the 3d Meeting not full But on the whole it was a Proffitable Time and Many were Encouraged



Saturday Morning

S L City July 31st/80

took teh Train to American fork attend the Seventies Conference aqt 10 A M at 2 P M and at 1/2 past Seven Evening

Sunday Morning Aug 1st Conference at 10 A M at 2 P M During the Meeting there were from fifteen to 20 Speakers who Bore good Testimonies of hte Latter-day work

Among them was Jos Young Sr Wm W Taylor Arurilius Miner Jas Preston Jas Taylor  Bishop John Brown Anson Walker Lewis Harvey Elisha H Davis Isaac Fox and others who Spoke as the Spirit in them Directed Making a variety of interesting


Sunday Morning Sept 5th/80

Left with S B Y for Centerville Spoek to the Saints of that place half hour Each

then took Dinner at Bro WIlliam SMiths

then Proceeded to Bountifull and SPoke to the Saints there about the Same time and then left for hom it was a Ride By Carriage

President Hayes and Part y arrived in Salt Lake City on the above Date

on the Seventh took Dinner at Ferry Morze Littles

the fourth aniversary of the Dedication of his new House



February 18-1884

Fifty years ago this morning my Father and Mother were married by John Murdock in the town of Geneseo Livingston Co, New York

They were married about eight A M and at once left for Mendon on hoorse back.

Gerandy's children sent mother a gold and silver cake, some cream and butter Fan Rett and I gave her a wedding card and in the evening Tom took her to an entertainment


the Eighteenth Ward chapel for the benefit of the poor

Late Young


Ms d 1741
fd 4 v. 7


S L City Oct 15th/75

Our Meeting this Evening is First for Placing these New Seventy Elders in the various quorums in this city and to instruct the clerks to Notify the new Elers which quorums Respectively they are placed in giving their names and Allso the Names of the Presidents of the qum

2d the Books (5 new ones) are Being purchased to Receive the Genealogies of Seventy Six quorums and will Examine the pattern or Draft


the 3d Matter in our Program the Reunion Meetings for the purpose of Encouraging the faithful one.

And Seeing after the ons that have lost their faith in part

their Moral Standing their faith & fellowship And Let the quorums Separately do this work as Much as posible

and to Notify the first Presidents when and where their Meetings are


the object of these Meetings to Save as Many as we can

And not Destroy Any

to do this we Must take heed to ourselves what Maner of Spirit we are of

the Books that will Be paid for By the quorums

and allso placing the Genealogies on their Pages will Be paid for By the quorums



Saterday Dec 18/75

went with the President & others to Provo Attended Meeting on Sunday at 10 A M & 2 P M Seventies Meeting in the Evening

Monday 20 attend Meetings this Evening in the Basement Expressly for the SEventies

A very Pleasant time

Return to the City on Tuesday Leaving Provo at 1/2 past 2 P M


S L City Oct 1st/77

Recd this day from Spanish Fork Quorum cash  Wm Stokes Pres 7.00 Heaven Bless his Servants

[accounts follow, including payments to and from various family members and church offerings, through p. 99]


Junen 6th/77

                                    qts pints

first Strawberys picked 2

June 7th                                    3

June 8th                                    2

" 9th                             8

" 10th                           10

"12th                            2

"20th the last day picked           25

" 22d Picked                7

" 24th "                         6


to Lindseys Gardens

to Fullers Hills

To Hills lake Millcreek


Salt Lake City Oct 26/77

Excursion to lake Point

Eery day in the week

to Black Rock

to lakeSide [H--] Grove

to Ogden

ot Provo to Payson

to Amrcan Fork canyon

to Drapervill


Sunday Morning Oct 17/75 went with Son Seymour B to Centrevill held 2 Meetings Met with Bros Geo Teasdale & Chas Wilkins had Fine Meetings Returned in the Evening

SLC Saterday Nov 6/75 went to Battle Creek on the above Date on Sunday held Meeting at 2 P M and one in the Evening the Saints felt happy Returned Monday on the Train home at 7 P M


S L City Oct 12th/75

this night gave Patriarchal Blessings to 3 Brothers from Portage Malad Valley By the Name of John Charles Henry & the 3d donot Remember the Name

Made me a Present of Cash $3.00


Sunday 22 Aug/75

held Meeting at Farmington this Day the Saints are feeling Well

Sunday Aug 29/75

held meeting at Bountifull Met Bro J Leonard here allso the Saints were happy


Zion of Enoch

in the last days the Spirit of Celestial origin is Revealed from Heaven to Establish it here the Same as formerly the forom & order in the uper Zion But it is Scarcely Discernable Save at this time By the vission of the Holy ghost for it is Still in Embryo


Moreover it is handled By unskillfull hands who for want of knowledge cannot Do Justice to it at first But time and More Experience and wisdom will Remove all complications


and Melt away Predudice and when once Developed in its true character it will Surpass all other institutions in producing a oneness and union with the Saints it will Bring down the high and Proud it will Exalt the Meek and teh low it will Make the crooked Straight and the Rough Places Smooth---it will furnish Spiritual food for the Spirits of the Famishing Saints form Heaven


in the last Days as corporeal food nourishes the Body

its waters will Riegale the Thirsty Spirits of the Saints as pools of water in the Desert quench the Thirst of the weary Traveler or as the Ear is charmed with the Sounds of Music from the choirs of the Saints when their Songs and anthems Sahll Soften into Celestial Melodies and Draw them together as the Magnet needle is Drawn to the Load Stone

it is the Key of our Redemption When it Shall assume its Simplicity


Blended with all the Atributes that Marked the Ancient Zion of Enoch it will Be hailed Simultaniously By the Saints with Songs of Everlasting Joy

then Zion will B Free

And to God Be all the Glory

To man the Boundless Joy


this is

A Strange World A Strange People Strangers to Each other And worst of all Strangers to ourselves Because we are Strangers to Father i Heaven For if we knew him we Should


Know ourselves and See the place that Belongs to us And Keep in our Place


Thuesday Morning July 20th

gave to F S Richards Patriarchal Blessing allso Making Seven in all while at Ogden


Monday July 19 During Stay at Ogden gave 7 Patriarchal Blessings to F A Browns wife, to his son and his wife to F D Richards and his wife Jane to Carie Carter


in the Afternoon on the [Binehat] 5 OClock again at 7 Oclock on the Bottom in the first District ...


July 16 Friday Attended Meeting at Linn with Brother F D Richards Good time the Saints Rep[---]d Sunday Morning Preached at Tabernacle at 11 Oclock with Liberty


July 14/75

I have attended the Meeting Advertised in the [---]nction for Me  attended the Sisters Relief Meeting and a good time it was July 15/75

[119 - end paper]

to See Co op for Eliza Ann Haws to Look after Sewing but [---] Machine ...

[120 - end paper]

Conference of the Missionaries at the 13th [-] Assembly

Oct 11/75 Presnt of the 12 Apos Jn Taylor W WOodruff O Pratt C C Rich G Q Cannon


MS d 1741

fd 4 v.8


[This volume contains what appears to be speech notes and perhaps drafts of language for his pamphlet on Zion]


Dreams of March/1880 of Sheep gathering into Pasture in March Night 22d 2d of Dropping a Ball [court] through the floor to the 2d floor Night 23d 3 Dream John Pack showed Me a field which he said we had lately taken possession of to cultivate the one had


it possion Bfore But Lost it for a time. But now had got it again

Jos Young Sen

Salt Lake City

May 6th 1880

May 31st/81Sold upper Block of My [Teeth] for fourteen Dollars 14.00


Salt Lake City Aug 5th/80

organized on above Date for Making prayer for Florence Pearl Young 1st Meeting with the following Brethren Namely the first organization was Jos Young Robert Campbell Brother Furgerson Brother Macanaster  & Bro Henry Fowler

we ajourned until Tuesday the 10th Inst at 9 A M 2 Meeting Met acording to ajournment on the above Date at 9 oclock A M with the addition of two others of the Brethren Namely S B Yong and James [---] and offered our Prayers 3d Meeting adjourned untill Thursday Evening 12th at half past Seven Oclock P M Met acording to ajournment and had our Prayers


S L City Aug 14th/80

ajourned until Tuesday Evening 17th at 1/2 past Seven OCl A M 4th Meeting Met acording to Ajournment and offered our Prayers on Tuesday Evening as dated above we Ajourned untill Thursday Evening at half past Seven oclock thursday Evening Aug 19th 5th Meeting Met according to ajournment And offered our Prayers ajourned till Tusday Evening 24th 6th Meeting Met according to ajournment and Offered our Prayers Ajourned until Thursday Even Met acording to ajournment and Offered our prayers 7th Meeting Ajourned untill Tuesday Evening 31st Aug 8th Meeting Met acording to Ajournment


and Offered our Prayers Ajourned till Thursday Evening Sept 2d

Met according to PreviousAjournemetn and offere dour Prayers 9th Meeting

Ajourned till Tuesday Evening Sept 7th

[blank pages]



of this year it was Dedicated and the Elders Receved a Partial Endowment the Temple at Nauvoo was first Begun the corner Stone was laid By the Prophet in 1841 it was Dedicated April 1846


Kirtland Ohio May 1833 first load Rock Drawn to the Temple Block Spring 1834 Zions camp called witner of 1835 Feb 12 appostles called in the Same Month 2 qms Seventies called & ordained this year the Temple progressed Rappidly in the winter of 1836 the Glass was set and in April

[113 blank]


S L City May 9th/77S B Young cr By order on S P Teasdale Merchant 4.00 Allso on 13th Store 5.00 for office Rent


Logan May 18/77

Friday 12 OC noon the Temple ground dedicated prayer By Bro Orson Pratt


A [Limper] Spirit wins Submission to hte powers that Be How we find ourselves Surrounded By incidents Of a trifling Nautre that Make us feel impatient of life


April 25th 1877 Wednesday 12 oclock noon Pres Joseph Young officiating Isaac Young united in holy bonds of wedlock to Mary Barr Neff In the old fort at Pres B Young factory

Tuesday noon June 25th/78 Left Logan for S L arrived at Ogden 25 Minutes to 5 P M


Edwd W Hate ordained Seventy under the Hands of Jos Young Sr & Bishop Hickinloper Salt L City May 5th/77 and placed in the 37th quorum of Seventies

Henry Flams

Jacob Miller

2 quorum Want [--]


Teamster H W Hanibal R Boquist Thos Slight WIlliam Pullm 16 Temple hands Variously Employed not Stone cutters


J Taylor O Pratt O Hyde W Woodruff Loren Snow E Snow F D Richds B Young Jr Jos F Smith A Carington C C Rich G Q Cannon

the Seventies to Keep up their Meetings

get teeth fixt at Clawson candles Matches Vest Pail Call at Temple Gate allso at Glass Mansion

[one more page of notes]