Salt Lake City, July 16, 1868.

Mr. Julius W. Hatch,
Bay City,

My Dear Sir:

My brother, President Brigham Young, handed me your favor of June 15, as I am the person who married Jane Adeline Bicknell, in Geneseo, Livingston Co., New York, where father Calvin Bicknell resided when I first knew him. My wife's sister Julia Ann (Mrs Johnson) is living in Avon, a town joining Geneseo. Clarissa, the oldest daughter, married Roger Orton, of Geneseo, and they moved to Augusta, Iowa, where they both died, I think, in 1854. Eliza lives in Clarksburg, Ross County, Ohio; and Mary, the youngest daughter, died in that town.

Seymour Bicknell, the oldest son, went, in an early day, to Mexico, and remained there until the Mexican war, in which he took part, and was wounded; he then moved to California, where he died. Hurlburt Bicknell, if alive, is now in California, so far as I know. Marcus died in his father's house at Clarksburg, Ohio. Julius Bicknell resides [p.2] in Lovington, Illinois.

Father Calvin Bicknell died in Clarksburg, county and State aforementioned, aged 87 years and 20 days. His widow now resides with her son Julius in Lovington; her maiden name was Chloe Seymour; she is now in her 88th year.

Our mountain air is pure and salubrious, our climate pleasant for its altitude and latitude, and our soil productive. Wheat and various fruits adapted to our climate are of excellent quality, and are usually plentiful, that is, wheat wherever settlements are formed, and fruit in all localities where orchards have come in bearing; and in the southern portions of our Territory cotton and other products of lower latitudes are found in considerable abundance.

The railroad is now completed to the North Fork of Platte, some 370 miles east of this City, and they expect to have it completed to within 40 miles of this City this winter, if the weather proves favorable; they are certainly pushing on that great and useful work very rapidly.


Should you conclude to pay us a visit, as my wife and I trust that you and your good lady will, you will find the journey, compared to what it was when I crossed the plains by wagon in 1850, a pleasure trip; and please accept the assurance of a cordial welcome and kindest treatment from my wife and,

Truly Your Friend,

Joseph Young sen.

P. S.

An early response to these lines, more or less in detail as may please you, will be gratifying and will assure us of their reception.

J. Y.