The Deseret News, 20 July 1881, p. 393
From Saturday’s Daily, July 16
[Transcribed and proofed by Ben Parkinson, Feb. 2006]Death of President Joseph Young.—Early this morning the report was current of the death of President Joseph Young. It was well founded, the sad event occurring about 4 o’clock this morning, at his residence in the 18th Ward. The deceased had reached the advanced age of 84 years, and for the past 8 months had been suffering from vesical trouble. During that time he had been able, occasionally, to attend his meetings and frequently was taken out riding, to visit his brethren in council, etc. He attended the funeral services of his niece, Fanny M. Little, nearly two weeks ago, and delivered there a deeply earnest, interesting discourse, very consolatory to the bereaved friends and relatives. Since then he has not been able to leave his bed, and gradually sank until this morning, when he yielded up with his breath, his spirit to the God who gave it. He passed away without a struggle, without even a gasp, simply ceasing to breathe, and so calmly and peacefully that for some moments his family around the bedside were not aware that he had expired.
Uncle Joseph, as he was affectionately termed, was the second of five brothers, sons of John Young and Nabbie Howe, and was born on the 7th day of April, 1797, in the town of Hopkinton, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts. He was among the first to receive the gospel, brought to him by his brother, the late President Brigham Young, while he was residing in Canada. He soon afterwards visited the State of Pennsylvania, and was baptized in the town of Columbia. In Kirtland, Ohio, he was among the first Seventies, ordained. February 28, 1835, and was called by the Prophet Joseph to be the first President of all the Seventies, a position which he held from that time till his death. He was a member of Zion’s Camp, which went up to redeem Zion in 1834, was at Haun’s Mill at the time of the massacre, and barely escaped with life from that cruel butchery; was among the first settlers of Commerce, afterward called Nauvoo, and helped to build up that beautiful city. He accompanied the exodus of the Saints from that place to Winter Quarters and Council Bluffs, and finally crossed the Plains with ox teams, and arrived in Salt Lake Valley in the year 1850. He has been closely identified with the leaders of the Church for nearly 50 years, and although a quiet and unassuming man, was well known from one end of the Territory to the other. He was beloved by all who knew him, for his virtue, integrity, humility and kindness, his fearlessness in the cause of truth, and his love of God and all good people. After a long life of usefulness, he had passed away to receive the reward of his well doing, leaving a name and example that will endure forever!
The funeral will be held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, on Tuesday, July 19th, at 11 a.m., under the direction of the Presidency of the Seventies.