Deseret News, Wednesday, 27 Jul 1921, p.2

[transcribed and proofed by Ben Parkinson, Feb 2006]

High Tributes to Memory of Jurist Paid at Funeral

Services Held in Assembly Hall—Rostrum and Bier Banked With Floral Offerings.

[photo—I believe same as in Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah]

With many high tributes to the sterling qualities of Judge Le Grand Young, funeral services were held at 1 o’clock today in the Assembly hall. The rostrum and bier were banked with exquisite floral tributes and the hall was well filled with relatives and friends who paid last honors to the deceased financier, lawyer and prominent citizen. The remains were accompanied to the hall by relatives and close friends. The honorary pallbearers were: Henry W. Lawrence, Parley L. Williams, Oscar W. Moyle, Bishop C. W. Nibley, Gov. John C. Cutler, H. S. Young, Jas. A. Eldridge and F. S. Richards. The active pallbearers were Judge Elias A. Smith, Chas. W. Symons, Carl A. Badger, Geo. A. Smith, Seymour B. Young, Jr., and Jos. B. Robbins.

Bishop Edward M. Ashton of Le Grand ward presided. The invocation was offered by Fred M. Michelsen of the Liberty stake presidency.

Parley L. Williams

Representing the legal fraternity and the Utah Bar association, Parley L. Williams told of the early life of the deceased; of the early law partnership formed by Judge Young and himself, of the judge’s legal work for the railroads, of his prominent place in the legal profession; his integrity, his uprightness—his intellectual refinement. “He merited and received the confidence and fellowship of all the legal profession,” Mr. Williams declared. “He was a deep student of the law.”

The speaker told of his election as one of the first judges of the state of Utah. He declared he had filled all positions he had occupied with distinction., had always commanded respect of his fellows and had left the rich heritage to his descendants of a long and well filled life.

B. S. Hinckley

B. S. Hinckley represented the Liberty stake presidency. He said in part, “I am a better man for knowing Le Grand Young. All who came in contact with him were helped. There was something in this saintly man which called for the best that was in him. All who met him loved him for his simplicity, his kindliness to little children.

“There was an unusual fineness and honor about the man. He was a stalwart citizen, a champion of love and liberty. He was a careful student of the Master. Le Grande Young was first, last and all the time a Saint. He belongs to the nobility of God. He has left a brilliant and distinguished family. May the peace of heaven rest on his family. He was a support and blessing to the stake presidency. He was a great and a good man.”

Prest. A. W. Ivans

Prest. A. W. Ivans added his tribute. He said men would have an identity hereafter based on the deeds done in the body. “Therefore I look to the existence hereafter, in glory of LeGrand Young,” said the speaker.

“His simple direct faith has impressed me. He never depreciated the accomplishments of men. He saw in the works of God the works of a great Omnipotent Being. He loved nature. He loved all things with which he came into contact. His was one of those rare temperaments in which the temporal and the spiritual were well blended. So that when the time comes, judged by his faith in God, his service to his fellow men, LeGrand Young will stand justified by the Great Judge exalted through his righteousness.

Bishop E. M. Ashton

Bishop E. M. Ashton expressed sincere thanks for his ward and fellow members of the bishopric of Le Grand ward for the privilege of taking part in the service. He spoke of the human side of Judge Young. He taught by example the art of good behavior. He was looked up to and loved by men, women and children. He was modest and self possessed.

He spoke of the splendid service the deceased gave in various Church offices and of his liberality to Church and charitable causes. He told of his being a close advisor of his ward bishops and of his high culture as a Saint and gentleman.

Musical numbers included “Oh My Father” by the Emigration ward choir; a violin solo, “Slumber” by Miss May Anderson, accompanied by Prof. Tracy Y. Cannon; “Tho Deepening Trials” by the Emigration ward choir. Prof. J. J. Mc[Cwe?]llan presided at the organ for the postlude and the prelude. Bishop John Vetterli of Emigration ward pronounced the benediction. Interment took place in the City cemetery.