“The Mormons: History of Their Leading Men,” American Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated, vol. 44, no. 5, November, 1866, p. 144–151 (this is on page 150)
[Note: James B. Allen, Ronald W. Walker, and David J. Whittaker, in Studies in Mormon History, 1830–1997: An Indexed Bibliography (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000), p. 1052, lists Edward W. Tullidge as the possible author.]
This is Brigham Young’s brother, the favorite and beloved of all the Mormons. He is to Brigham what Hyrum was to Joseph. He is the beloved brother. Joseph Young was in Canada, preaching the Methodist gospel, when Brigham received the Book of Mormon. Brigham was satisfied, and from that moment it became his mission to make Mormonism in the world what it had become to him. Did he go to Joseph Smith straightway? No; but to Canada, to his brother Joseph Young, to bid him renounce the preaching of the Methodist faith, and follow him. Joseph Young followed his brother Brigham, and became by Joseph Smith’s own appointing the President of all the quorums of Seventies, even as his greater brother has become President over all the Mormon Church. Joseph Young is the head of most of the intellect and force of the Church. The tradition goes among the Mormons, that when Brigham Young and his brother Joseph paid their first visit to the Prophet, after they were gone he asked one of his disciples what he thought of those men, remarking, himself, “They are the two greatest men in the world; the time will come when that man Brigham Young will lead the Church.” Joseph Young in heart sensibility and spirituality is all that Brigham is in his masterly character. His benevolence is said to be unbounded; he is the man of the people, and pleads for the people and the erring. He carries not the bag, but takes the basket round with his charities, and is poor in consequence; but he is rich in the love of thousands. He is ever wanting to know “what he can do for you.”