Carlie Louine Clawson Young

Note: If you have additional photos of Lulu, Seymour, or other family members, please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@").

Click on the photos to see larger versions.

Lulu at 6 months
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Lulu at about 2
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar

Lulu age 2
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Lulu age 2
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Lulu age 4
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young

Lulu age 8
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Lulu 1879 (abt. age 10) with sisters
Kate, Nell, and Alice Clawson
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Lulu age 12
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young

Hiram B. Clawson & daughters, abt. 1880
Back, L-R: Phoebe Taylor, Ivy Greene, Mary Beatie, Edith Knowlton, Ardella Cumings,
Carlie Louine Young, Nell Brown, Winaford Ellerbeck, Terresa Wells
Front: Georga Foote, Kate Lambert, Tessie Grosebeck, Bessie Hughes, Ruby Godby, Alice Campbell, Edna Tibbetts
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar

Alice Merril Horne's first primary, 1880
Lulu's caption: "This picture taken May - 1880. I was 10 years 10 months."
Back, L-R: Katie Young, Fannie Young Clayton, Katie Bell Kraft, Lutie Thatcher Lynch
Middle: Lulu Clawson Young, Edna Wells Sloan, Alice Merrill Horn, Lizzie Smith, Margaret Pratt
Front: Priscilla Smith, Louie Sloan, Hettie Young Swenson
"Names written May 27th, 1941. I am on the left."
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar

1886, age 17
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Age 18, masked ball
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young
Age 18, masked ball
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young

Lou and her sisters, abt. 1920 (I think date is off)
Courtesty of Louine Y. Clawson

Age 19
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar
Age 18
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young
Age 20
Courtesty of Louine Y. Cromar

1891 (age 21)
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young
1889 (abt age 19)
Courtesty of S. Dilworth Young

Lou (abt. age 14) and her sisters, abt. 1883
Back, L-R: Anna [Sears?] Young, Tessie Clawson Grossbeck, Alice Clawson Campbell,
Minnie Hardy Hawkins, Mame Clawson Beatie
Front: Ivie Clawson Greene, Louine Clawson Young, Lutie Young Brockbank,
Kate Clawson Lambert, Hettie Young Swenson
Courtesty of Louine Y. Clawson

Hiram B. and Emily Augusta Young Clawson and daughters
Courtesy of Scott Clawson

Emily A. Clawson with Clawson daughters
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar

Emily A. Clawson with daughters and daughters-in-law, 1912.
Back, L-R: Vida (Chester), Nell, Louine, Bess, Gertrude (Shirl), Josephine.
Front row: Kate, Emily, Alice
Courtesy of Scott Clawson

Lou in about 1908
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Courtesy of S. Dilworth Young
Lou in 1908
S. Dilworth Young

Age 40 (abt. 1909)
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Courtesy of S. Dilworth Young

Courtesy of S. Dilworth Young Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar

Prob. Davidson Ranch, near
Mackay, Idaho, c.1918-20
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar

Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Primary anniversary
Probably Nov. 1945
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar

About 1950, New England
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar

Brigham Young granddaughters, 1955
L-R: Emily Clawson Wright, Doris Knappen,
Edith Y. Booth, Helen Bagley,
Louine C. Young, Gladys Y. Orlob,
Connie Y. Stark
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar

Note: If you have photos of Lulu, Seymour, or other family members that you would be willing to have scanned (no more destructive than a photocopy), please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.

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