Ann Elizabeth Riter Young.

Note: If you have additional photos of Lizzie or other family members, please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@").

Click on the photos to see larger versions.

Ann Elizabeth Rither
Courtesy of S. Dilworth Young
From Levi Edgar Young,
"My Mother"
Improvement Era,
May 1958
From Scott R. Clawson,
The Young Partrige
Clawson Heritage:
A Family History

*Looking for Original*

Courtesy of S. Dilworth Young Courtesy of Louine Cromar Courtesy of Louine Cromar

Lizzie and Seymour
Mountain Dell
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Lizzie front center
Seymour top right
Mountain Dell
Courtesy of Louine Y. Cromar
Courtesy of Louine Cromar

Note: If you have photos of Seymour B. and Lizzie Riter Young or other family members that you would be willing to have scanned (no more destructive than a photocopy), please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.

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