The Family of
John and Nabby Young
Last Updated: 7 June 2006
(Maintenance Update: 7 April 2009)
Sons of John and Nabby Young (click for larger version)
John Young (17631839) was an early convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His entire family of adult children joined the Church, and his son Brigham Young became its second president and prophet.
The above photo depicts John's sons Lorenzo Dow Young , Brigham Young, Phinehas Young, Joseph Young, and John Young Jr. I haven't been able to find any pictures of his daughters Nancy Young Kent, Fanny Young Murray, Rhoda Young Green, Nabby Young (who died young), Susannah Young Little, or Louisa Young Sanford.
Young Family Historians—Photos and Histories on These Pages Available
This web page seeks to gather histories and photos of all the Youngs in the first three geneations and make them available to all family members. If you descend from John Young through any of his lines (not just Brigham), and you would like photocopies of high-resolution scans or photo prints of the photos on this page, please use this form to contact the webmaster at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We can either provide them or point you in the right direction. Likewise, if you know of photos or histories we could include, please write in!
Young Family Histoires (General)
John and Nabby Young
- Susa Young Gates, "Mothers of the Latter-day Prophets: Abigail Howe Young," Juvenile Instructor 59, no. 1 (January 1924): 4.
- ———, "Notes on the Young and Howe Families," Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, 11 (January 1920): 180.
- ——— and Leah D. Widtsoe, The Life Story of Brigham Young (New York: Macmillan, 1930)
- S. Dilworth Young, "Here Is Brigham . . .": Brigham Youngthe Years to 1844 (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, Inc., 1964)
- Gene Allred Sessions, "John Young: Soldier of the Revolution," in Latter-day Patriots: Nine Mormon Families and Their Revolutionary War Heritage (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1975), pp. 2428, 19293
- Leonard J. Arrington, Susan Arrington Madsen and Emily Madsen Jones, "Abigail (Nabby) Howe Young," in Mothers of the Prophets, Deseret Book, 1987, 2838. Available on Deseret Book's website as "The Woman Brigham Young Called Mother."
Young Family
- Fanny Young Murray, letter to Phinehas Howe Young (or Brigham Young), Nauvoo, 1 January 1845. Family stories and genealogical information on John, Nabby, and their ancestors. FHL 0281261. LDS Archives has an earlier transcript, which appears to be the basis of a third, partial transcript in Family Recordings of Nauvoo—1845 and Before, Including Minutes of the First LDS Family Gathering, comp. Ora Haven Barlow (Jan. 1965). This transcript corrects numerous small errors in both. The letter in RTF format (compatible with MS Word).
- "A Family Meeting in Nauvoo: Minutes of a Meeting of the Richards and Young Families Held in Nauvoo, Ill., Jan. 8, 1845," The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, vol. 11, no. 3 (July 1920), pp. 104–17; reprinted in Ora Haven Barlow, comp., Family Recordings of Nauvoo—1845 and Before, Including Minutes of the First LDS Family Gathering (Jan. 1965), pp. 21–23, 26–36. Includes family stories and genealogy. Ora Haven Barlow says this may have been the first meeting of an LDS family organization ever.
- Susa Young Gates, "Notes on the Young and Howe Families," The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, vol. 11, no. 4 (Oct. 1920), pp. 180–87; includes family stories as well as genealogy.
- Brigham Young, "History of Brigham Young," Deseret News, vol. 7, no. 47 (27 Jan. 1858), p. 1; vol. 7, no. 48 (3 Feb. 1858), pp. 1–2; vol. 7, no. 49 (10 Feb . 1858), pp. 1–2, etc.; or Millennial Star, vol. 25, no. 19 (9 May 1863), pp. 295–96; vol. 25, no. 20 (date?), pp. 310–11; vol. 25, no. 21 (23 May 1863), pp. 32628; vol. 25, no. 23 (6 June 1863); vol. 25, no. 24 (13 June 1863), pp. 37476; vol. 25, no. 25 (20 June 1863), pp. 39092; vol. 25, no. 26 (27 June 1863), p. 406; etc.; or Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 18011844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968), pp. ixxx (and the rest of the book). This treats the lives of Brigham's grandfather, parents, and brothers and sisters, and then goes on with his own history (and the history of the Church).
- Susa Young Gates and Mabel Young Sanborn, "Brigham Young Genealogy," The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, vol. 11, no. 1 (Jan. 1920), pp. 21–27; vol. 11, no. 2 (Apr. 1920), pp. 49–55; vol. 11, no. 3 (July 1920), pp. 127–34; vol. 11, no. 4 (Oct. 1920), pp. 177–80; and following.
- Leonard J. Arrington and JoAnn Jolley, "The Faithful Young Family: The Parents, Brothers and Sisters of Brigham," Ensign, Aug. 1980, 53; or see the archived article on Church site.
- Larry C. Porter, "Whitingham, Vermont: Birthplace of Brigham Young—Prophet, Colonizer, Statesman," in Susan Easton Black and Larry C. Porter, Lion of the Lord: Essays on the Life and Service of Brigham Young (Deseret Book, 1995), 1–19.
- ———, "Brigham Young: 'The Man for the Hour Will Be Ready Whenever the Hour Strikes,'" forum address at Brigham Young University, January 27, 1998 (offsite).
- Richard F. Palmer and Karl D. Butler, Brigham Young: The New York Years (Provo, Utah: Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, 1982).
- Rebecca Cornwall and Richard F. Palmer, "The Religious and Family Background of Brigham Young," Brigham Young University Studies, 18 (Spring 1978): 286310
- S. Dilworth Young, "Here Is Brigham . . .": Brigham Youngthe Years to 1844 (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, Inc., 1964)
- Journal of Franklin Wheeler Young, holograph, Church Historical Department.
- Mavis Moore Smith, "Susannah Young (17951852) and Family."
Young Family Group Photos
Histories and Photos of the Children
Nancy Young Kent, b. 1786.
Fanny Young Carr Murray Smith, b. 1787.
- Fanny Young Murray, letter to Phinehas Howe Young (or Brigham Young), Nauvoo, 1 January 1845. Family stories and genealogical information on John, Nabby, and their ancestors. FHL 0281261. LDS Archives has an earlier transcript, which appears to be the basis of a third, partial transcript in Family Recordings of Nauvoo—1845 and Before, Including Minutes of the First LDS Family Gathering, comp. Ora Haven Barlow (Jan. 1965). This transcript corrects numerous small errors in both. The letter in RTF format (compatible with MS Word).
- Todd Compton, "True Saint: Fanny Young (Carr Murray Smith)," chapter 30 in his book In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, (Signature Books, 1997), pp. 609–23. Fanny became a plural wife of Joseph Smith.
- Mavis Moore Smith, "Susannah Young (17951852) and Family."
Rhoda Young Greene, b. 1789.
- Mavis Moore Smith, "Susannah Young (17951852) and Family."
- Brian D. Reeves, "'A Battle Ensued': John P. Greene and Samuel H. Smith in the Early Restoration," courtesy of the author; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene, Diary, Sept.–Oct. 1833, LDS Archives; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene to Rhoda Young Greene, Freedom, New York, 24 May 1835, LDSA; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene, Diary, 1–16 Nov. 1835, LDSA; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene to Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith, Cincinnati, 30 June 1839, Joseph Smith Letterbook, 1837–1843, p. 75-75, Joseph Smith Collection, LDSA; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene and Samuel James to D.C. Smith and E. Robinson, Monmouth County, New Jersey, 10 Sept. 1839, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 28–29; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene, Statement, 17 Mar. 1840, transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene to His Children, Buffalo, New York, Feb. 1843, LDSA; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- John Portineus Greene to Joseph Smith, Buffalo, New York, 18 Mar. 1843, LDSA; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
- Evan Molbourne Greene, Biographical sketch of John P. Greene, 1857, LDSA; transcript courtesy of Brian D. Reeves; available also in WordPerfect format.
John Young Jr., b. 1792
- Five sons of of John and Nabby Young, carte de visite from S. Dilworth Young. A separate high-quality copy print (of daguerreotype?), also from S. Dilworth Young. Colorized version from Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum.
- Closeup of John Jr. from the above.
- Painting of John Jr., from Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum.
- Engraving of John Jr., E. G. Williams and Bro., New York, in Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, 4 vols., 1:358 (Salt Lake City, Utah : G. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., 1892–1904.
Nabby Young.
Susannah Young Little, b. 1795.
Louisa Young Sanford, b. 1804
Lorenzo Dow Young, b. 1807.
- Mavis Moore Smith, "Susannah Young (17951852) and Family."
- Lorenzo Dow Young, Fragments of Experience, sixth book of Faith Promoting Series, Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office 1881 pp. 42–45
- ———, "Past and Present History of the Church - Trust in the Lord and His Priesthood, Etc.," Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 6:, pp.23537
- ———, "The Religion of the Saints and Its Rejection By the World - Training of Children - Home Manufactures," Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 6:, p.211–14
- James Amasa Little, "Biography of Lorenzo Dow Young," Utah Historical Quarterly 14 (Jan.–Oct. 1946): 26–132
- Lorenzo Dow Young and Harriet Page Wheeler Decker Young, "Diary of Lorenzo Dow Young," Utah Historical Quarterly 14 (Jan.–Oct. 1946): 133 –70
- "Family of Lorenzo Dow Young," Utah Historical Quarterly 14 (Jan.–Oct. 1946): 171
- Carter, Our Pioneer Heritage, 2:518–19, 8:176,
- Jensen, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, 2:95
- Whitney, History of Utah, 4:53–54
- Five sons of of John and Nabby Young, carte de visite from S. Dilworth Young. A separate high-quality copy print (of daguerreotype?), also from S. Dilworth Young. Colorized version from Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum.
- Closeup of Lorenzo from the above.
- Painting of Lorenzo, from Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum.
- Engraving of Lorenzo, E. G. Williams and Bro., New York, in Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, 4 vols., 1:338 (Salt Lake City, Utah : G. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., 1892–1904.
- Copy print of Lorenzo, from S. Dilworth Young
- Three 1893 shapshots of Lorenzo an "Ellen" (can anyone identify her?): photo 1, photo 2, photo 3.
Note: John Young Sr. married Hannah Brown after Nabby's death. They had one son:
Family Members
Contact Benson Young Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@").